Seagate Backup Plus 3 TB USB 3.0 Desktop External HDD @ Rs6740

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As posted by @varkey somewhere else

I'm interested in one. Comes out to be Rs 6740 each with shipping and duties. If any body likes to buy the other I can place the order. Once it reaches my place I'll ship it to the member.

Shipping charges at actual.

Kolkata members preferred.

interested, will be in kolkata between 8th and 18th of next month.. will this be shipped by then?
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Did you get it through a drop-shipper? Sorry never ordered stuff straight through Amazon yet. IIRC if works now right?
@sarang and other interested Pune people-

I need one and don`t have experience with Amazon. if interested can order two and save in shipping.
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@pavan547 , make sure that your player / downloader can handle 3 TB HDD. if you plan to use on laptop or pc then no issues. But if you plan to attach to your Asus player for downloading purpose, check once.
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@chetansha Thank you sir for your prompt suggestion. I had that doubt in my mind. Recently I changed my Asus HDP R1 firmware to R3 (moserivces), as per their forum 3 TB with power works fine. Even if it doesn`t my plan wast to use it as master backup (AIO) drive.
As per download thing don`t think I will use anything other that my half dead laptop.
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Its my pleasure @pavan547 but I would still suggest you go for a stand alone NAS or atleast a gigabit router with USB port, and use your portable HDD as the downloader.
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I have doubt regarding "Import Fees Deposit", do they really refund amount in case import duty is less than actual import duty. Anyone bought this HDD from Amazon, what is final rate.
Also does it have warranty available in india
Mate if u import using ppobox or hopshopgo duty will be higher. And yes they do refund.

Warranty will be 2 years out of region warranty.
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