WTB : AGP 4x/8x card with DVI ( Mumbai pref )

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Want a AGP 4x/8x card with DVI. Got a Samsung 2033sw for a relative. PC has only onboard VGA. Would like better graphics perf and DVI.

Imposs to get a new AGP card.

Something like FX5200 would be ideal, or GeForce4 MX440.

Mumbai preferred.

FX5200 can't do 1680x1050, so be warned. Max vertical resolution through the DVI port is 1024, so you can only hit 1280x 4:3 res, or 1440x 16:9 even through custom hacks. The entire 5 series (and some 6 series) cards have issues as they were not built for widescreen or screens larger than 17" using DVI.

Analog works fine till 2048x on these cards, just the DVI has issues.
Actually currently I have lent them the fx5200 card I got from you. Offers 1600 x 900 ( using geforce 56.72 ) thru VGA which is reqd. No one there games. Works well.

Will try DVI this weekend. Will post result.
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