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    Budget 90k+ Upgrading gaming PC bit by bit

    Adding to what gourav said, combined with how many potential issues liquid cooling can run into - you should only go for it for aesthetics/personal preference. 7800x3d is insanely power efficient for the kind of performance it can offer.

    Budget 51-70k Gaming PC

    The 85% figure is from 2 videos both running a 7600x and a 5800x3d with a 3060 Ti. The figures you posted are from a 4090. Do you really think the cpu performace scales exactly across 2 gpus of such vast power difference?

    Budget 51-70k Gaming PC

    Yes but getting a 7600/7600x will be cheaper, and offer an upgrade path while offering ~85% of the perf in msfs at ~85% of the price and matching or outclassing the 5800x3d in most other games. Now unless the op wants to play literally nothing with his PC except MSFS, I don't see why spending so...

    Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

    If you count anime films as "movies" then the last movie I saw was Hajime no Ippo: Mashiba vs Kimura. Last piece of Ippo to stick with the old anime style and genuinely great addition to the story. Very well paced and was surprised how well they polished the 2 side characters. 5/5 from me. If...

    Budget 51-70k Gaming PC

    finding good deals in the used market is about being in the right place at the right time dawg, can't guarantee anything but be on the lookout. I want to upgrade to a 4070 Ti sometime next year from my rusty 1050 ti laptop, will stick to used market as even saving 10-15k is a good deal and I'm...

    Budget 51-70k Gaming PC

    a used 6700XT :tearsofjoy:, much better than overlooking amd and going that far down the performance stack. Keep in mind the 3060 Ti and 6700XT are ~30% faster than a 3060. No amount of DLSS is worth sacrificing that much performance.

    Budget 51-70k Gaming PC

    The 5800x3d is objectively a bad buy at 33-35k INR when the 7800x3d exists at 38k-inr for much higher performance for just 3-5k more. I cannot in good faith suggest plonking an badly priced cpu like that on a budget build. OP's budget is 60k and he mentions the limit to be very strict, highly...

    Budget 51-70k Gaming PC

    hmm this is new information, does this phenomenon occur only with 4x8 or all 4x setups? Genuinely curious.

    Budget 51-70k Gaming PC

    kindly check price of 5800x3d and reflect upon your recommendation may deer member.

    Budget 51-70k Gaming PC

    if he chooses a mobo with 4 slots won't it be better to stick with 2x8 until he himself doesn't feel the need to upgrade on his own? Single stick is just getting worse experience today in the promise of upgrade tomorrow. Unless it's significantly cheaper (the ram or a mobo with only 2 ram slots)...

    Budget 51-70k Gaming PC

    Keep in mind 6700 and 6700xt are very different cards. 6700 non-XT is a 10 GB card that is around the same perf as a 6650XT 8GB, ~15% slower than a 3060 Ti/6700XT. Also would recommend looking at the following chart (courtesy of HardwareUnboxed) if your favorite games make you sway for team red...

    Audio HeadphoneZone sale at mightnight (12th July Midnight onwards), anything interesting?

    apologies for hijacking the thread, did you end up buying the tangzus? Wanted to know your first hand review on it.

    Budget 0-20k 24 inch+ Monitor suggestions around 20000 (reduce eyes strain with lights off)

    The second link you posted is a rev (short for revision) 1.0 because it advertises 92% DCI-P3 coverage as opposed to 95% DCI-P3 coverage with the rev 2.0 (checked with the subreddit appears to be the only way to tell if not mentioned otherwise in the marketing). On the usability front, rev 1.0...

    Herro everynan, how are you? I am fine sank you.

    Pardon my manners, should have introduced myself first thing. I have the dismal fate of hailing from Delhi, fortunately being an ape is funny. I have a problem, I spend too much time watching YT videos about stuff I don't even own and way too little getting work done. Have I ever bought an...

    Suggest one Remote to rule all !!

    SofaBaton U2 Universal Remote has an amazon india page but it is "currently unavailable" (and probably will for long). Can't say about "best" but hey if a remote is good enough to never make you think you need another it's pretty good right?