Recent content by l33t_5n1p3r_max

  1. L

    My dog Jimmy R.I.P (2001-2011)

  2. L

    Car & Bike Beat or Polo?

    Buy a horse and role play with it in front of college. "FORSOOTH MY LADY, YOUR NIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR IS HERE!"
  3. L

    Real Time Strategy Game suggestions please...

    Because all the wc3 newbs/people who failed at proper micro started playing DOTA. And they prefer WoW because it gets them a lot of money...
  4. L

    Small favour.

    If I had made it huge and descriptive I would have gotten half the no of replies I got now.
  5. L

    Starting a Hookah parlour in Thane

    O yea...the million auto wallah's who fleece people and make passes at women in broad daylight won't hurt the morals of society...but hookah???? That shit's just inexcusable! BAN IT NOW.
  6. L

    Small favour.

    Thanks all! Already got 80 replies to it..woo. Time to spam it as a status update on facebook!
  7. L

    Small favour.

    That games people like to play, reasons they like them and why pc gaming is slowly fading away in front of the consoles. The sample size will be too small to get any sort of meaningful conclusions out of it but its only meant to demonstrate that we are following proper research methodologies...
  8. L

    Small favour.

    You're right about that actually...should have spent more time in making it..but meh, this will do for now I guess. Thanks again for filling it up guys!
  9. L

    Small favour.

    much love.
  10. L

    Small favour.

    pfft, who will buy this amateur questionnaire ka info. Thanks for the entries guys. ilu
  11. L

    Small favour.

    Hey part of my MBA, I'm doing a project that analyses some of the current trends in the gaming industry. I would really appreciate it if some of you could fill up the questionnaire at Help a poor...
  12. L

    My dog Jimmy R.I.P (2001-2011)

    All the dogs in the world do this yourself a dalmatian..or if you're really in need of support, take in a mongrel from the street.
  13. L

    MICROVOLTS [PC] (Free to Play)

    finally got it to work without crashing, boring deathmatch. Another game thatll disappear in a few weeks. But its free..
  14. L

    MICROVOLTS [PC] (Free to Play)

    Buggy game, tried to run it 2 times, two different errors. Don't bother, nothing to see here folks.
  15. L

    MICROVOLTS [PC] (Free to Play)

    dling now..lets see if its worth it.