Search results

  1. techieguy

    Budget 51-70k What best motherboard for Intel Core i9-14900K Req. 192GB DDR5, PCIe Gen 5 NVME Support From CPU.

    Hi Team, Happy Day! What best motherboard for Intel Core i9-14900K Req. 192GB DDR5, PCIe Gen 5 NVME Support From CPU. Thanks Please advise. Thanks
  2. techieguy

    Budget 90k+ Which Processor and Motherboard should I choose for running 20 VMs for lab purpose:

    Hi, Which Processor and motherboard should I choose for below requirements: My Requirements: I should be able to run at least 20 Virtual machines for Practice purpose. -3 Netapp Simulators -2 Microsoft Windows 2016 or 2019 Servers machines -4 RHEL 8 machines -2 Solaris 11.4 machines -2...