Search results

  1. R

    Monitors $300 27" WQHD Monitor from Ebay?

    Oh the Shimian, quite good. But are you sure you want a refurbished one? If you get a dead pixel or some other problem, you will face a lot of problems. I think the limit is upto 35K-duty free, may have changed.
  2. R

    Monitors $300 27" WQHD Monitor from Ebay?

    There will be customs. How much? Can't say for sure. Or you can just kinda smuggle it you know :p What you are specifically looking for is the cheap Korean monitors which use LGs IPS panels or Samsung's PLS panels. Search for Yamakasi Catleap and Qnix Q2710, both can be gotten under $300.
  3. R

    Budget 71-90K how much should i pay for this pc?

    This setup quite simply sucks. A GT630 in this day and age...never. You can do much better with that budget.
  4. R

    CPU/Mobo What am I doing wrong ?

    It would probably in your best interests to buy a new case. Something like a 300R that has enough holes and space.
  5. R

    Graphic Cards Asus ROG 780 Poseidon Unboxing!

    How much did you buy it for?
  6. R

    Budget 90k+ Want help to build a pc

    For the love of god people need to stop recommending a 650W PSU for the R9 290 and 290X! Probably no reason to go for 2400Mhz, you won't notice any difference in gaming, go for 1866Mhz modules with a CAS latency of 9, no greater.
  7. R

    Mac OS Thinking about installing Mac OS along with windows

    The GPU doesn't necessarily be a nVidia GPU, certain AMD ones will be fine too. Google for Hackintosh, the first link will give you most of the hardware requirements.
  8. R

    Budget 41-50k PC Upgrade

    Okay, even then don't drop below H87 if its fine with you.
  9. R

    Budget 90k+ Full gaming PC build

    Haswell compatible PSU or not, it should be able to provide clean stable power so that the processor can drop into lower C states. The PSU needs to able to provide stable power when the load isn't high. check out if you wish to read reviews about PSUs.
  10. R

    Budget 41-50k PC Upgrade

    87 series chipset is kind of last gen, it doesn't have support for M.3 Drives(useless in desktop in my opinion), the 87 boards probably wont support broadwell processors unless the manufacturer comes out with a UEFI update. As you would have guessed from the above line, H97/Z97 boards have...
  11. R

    Budget 41-50k PC Upgrade

    As far as I know, Yes.
  12. R

    Budget 41-50k PC Upgrade

    I'm sorry I dont understand why that would happen, unless the drivers don't get initialised properly as was the problem in my case. I really don't think you will have any problems at all.
  13. R

    Budget 71-90K Gaming Laptop from US - Budget $1500

    Have to taken a look at Sager and their options? Go to and check them out, best value for money but if you have any problems you will have to send it back to the USA. Nevertheless, the laptops are powerful and fairly cheap.
  14. R

    Budget 41-50k PC Upgrade

    AMD drivers caused me a lot of problems but that was on my laptop, the graphics weren't switching properly, but that is only a laptop problem, I am sure. If you are still worried, you can go for a 750Ti for around 11k on flipkart.
  15. R

    Budget 21-30k Home PC

    How about not buying the corsair vengeance RAM and go for something cheaper?
  16. R

    Hey guys!

    Thanks man!
  17. R

    The Swastika, and the Nazi connection

    I am just stating what had happened as was recorded by the apocryphs and gospels and also Holger Kersten's books :P
  18. R

    Budget 21-30k Home PC

    Also could you be more specific as to which memory you are buying? Along with the PSU and everything? The 500W PSU is too much.