

Down Memory Lane .......

I used to be on this forum long ago ...

Is Vinay still the admin .....

I used to be a mod and helped design the original go4i forum ...

I hope its the same go4i I used to hang out .....

Anyone out there ....

Its me ... Karthikeyan.M.S
hmm nice to have ya m8...
hope you like the new look. We plan to make this a global forum. How do you like the look and the features considering you have seen the earlier too.
One thing I have noted is that the speed of the forum is well ....

superb ..... it is really really fast to load and browse ....

long ago, it used to drag but now ..... WOW ......

The looks rock too ...

And systemslead and mystic ... Is anyone of you Vinay (the old admin) I would like to say "Hi" to some of my old friends