Suggest a Digicam, kindly read requirements


Mond Mond Ja Ja
Ok, These are some requirements which I am looking for

1) At least 10 MP

2) At Least 4X zoom

3) At least supported VIDEO resolution : 720p

4) With rechargeable batteries and Chargers

5) with at least 4 GB memory card

6) Budget MAX 15K

Main usage of camera will be PnS, and too much video recording.

Also suggest some good E-bay dealer if someone have some buying experience with'em. And locally in Hyderabad, if some good camera store there.

If entry level SLR possible in this budget, pls give me some info about that.

thanks for suggestion harry, Checked specs, most of the things which I require are covered. Just 4GB memory card's not there. Price is decent, 13.5 K on ebay with some dealer named "jk camera zone".

So in you opinion is this the best model suiting my requirements?.

If you have some good knowledge about this stuff, give me 2-3 more models to get confused with. TIA.

Also Budget is now 15K.
above fuji model is SLR lookalike. Not ultra portable.If shape is not a matter then go for the same, else models from Panasonic & nikon is also good.

Check reviews on New Nikon L110 , ava under 15K.Also Panasonic TZ15 !all under 15K
TY mate, and I am not looking for ultra portable or compact design, My main motive is HD recording and a bit (very less) professional photo-shooting, mostly mountains and sea/beaches.

I also saw other threads here, And got to know about Penny FZ-35, but it's of 18-19K I guess, IF this camera is worth adding more 3K, then I can wait for 1 month more and buy the same, or I am thinking to go with Fujiflim s2000HD model suggested by harry.

I liked L110 also, suggest me some 1-2 models more also. TIA
then go for Panasonic FZ35, you can buy this blind folded! won many awards & highly recommended ,also comes with 3yr warranty too! else go for Nikon L110 !
Canon Powershot SX200IS

1) At least 10 MP - 12.1 MP

2) At Least 4X zoom - 12X Optical Zoom

3) At least supported VIDEO resolution : 720p - Suuports upto 1280x720 video recording

4) With rechargeable batteries and Chargers - Yes

5) with at least 4 GB memory card - Not bundled , you'll have to buy it for 500 Rupees

6) Budget MAX 15K - 14.7k

Reviews :
If HD recording is important I wouldn't go with any Fuji camera :/

They have mono audio and use the crappy Motion JPEG which will eat the memory space in no time. The Panny is much better in this with AVCHD lite for HD recording and stereo mic recording.
You can always get a 4/8GB Card from market. So that should not be a deciding factor.

Nikon L110 is also a good option. But if you can increase your budget as u mentioned, nuthing beats Panny FZ35 in its price. Its a great cam and will serve you good enough. But u may have to spend almost 20k for the cam including accessories like pouch, memory card etc. But its worth it. So if u can save 5k, dont think twice. You will not regret the delay once you get your hands on the Panny.
Ok harry , TY again , I think I will go with Penny FZ35, let me save some bucks and got for it, Also dude, If you know some good dealer on e-bay, much helpful. I have 1 in mind, solar digicam from delhi, I guess.

Locally, I am gonna start price hunting within 1 day, will post latest scenario of price in Hyd.

TA all for help.

TE, you the problem solver, you the community.
Anytime mate, no need to say thanks. And solar Digital Cam from Delhi is a reputed and genuine dealer as far as i have heard. All the best for your hunt bro. And dont forget to post a few great shots from the cam once you get it ! :)
ashvarybabul said:

Link shows nothing mate, kindly re-post.

Went for Price-hunt, and I was disappointed as usual.

Panasonic authorized dealer quoted a price of INR 28,990/-. I argued with him on this obviously, showed him some e-bay sellers pages also, and some more sites who sell cameras online.

Then, He showed me brochure of Panasonic, and price written was indeed 28,990/-.

Then I went to reliance digital, they are not dealing with Panasonic, duh.

Then I went to some local mega-electronic stores like PCH zone, TMC (Peeps from hyd would know these), and as expected again they were unknown about this model.

So Finally I asked about Fujifilm S2000HD suggested by Harry, everyone quoted decent price for this model, below 14.5K INR.

I also tried IIIrdi, a local store and said to be a good store for cameras in Hyd. They told me to come when I want to buy a cam, And told me they dont tell the price to anyone unless they wanna buy a significant model, So I said remove all price tags on your cameras which are there in your showrooms, and see how much business you get.

WTF? How would I purchase something without knowing it's price :mad:. Without more ranting about the situation, I came out from the store.

Now restriction of online purchase is, I can't convert my CC's total billing amount to EMI, (As told by a CC customer care, that, this facility is not there on you CC right now, :mad:) and I can't afford 20K in one shot. IF someone knows some other shop from where I can get a camera through EMI in Hyd, It will be much helpful.

Coz for just 4-5K, I dont wanna compromise FZ35. Any more suggestions are welcome.
So finally got Fujifilm S2500 HD, due to warranty.

As no one is selling Penny FZ35 below 25K in Hyd.

But I have to say, fuji S2500 is really a good camera. Super image stabilization. and also very light weight.

damage is 14K.

Will post some pics, if someone give me some another camera to capture this camera, rofl.:p