Suggestions for DVD media player



I'm looking for a DVD player. My budget is 4000. I'm looking for the following features..

USB support
Compatible with all audio/video File formats
Should work with "LG CRT 29 inch TV" (a common TV set with basic features)

Please advise

@ a budget of 4000 INR, I would rather suggest put a little bit more and get a media player like the WDTV or even one of the cheaper ones like Nationite. They would be more future proof than the DVD player.
Thanks for replies..

agantuk said:
@ a budget of 4000 INR, I would rather suggest put a little bit more and get a media player like the WDTV or even one of the cheaper ones like Nationite. They would be more future proof than the DVD player.
@agantuk, I can stretch my budget if it's really worth. Don't know much about WDTV or hd players, will the LG TV support it.. ? If yes please suggest a good HD player with DVD support.