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  1. blr_p

    Advice - Choosing a 300ltr Fridge - Top & Bottom Door Fridge

    Both are the same capacity. Don't know why one is heavier. For climate class you will have to look for the ratings label which is either somewhere inside the fridge or on the back. Did you get to look at the back of these fridges and see whether they have any radiators exposed or covered. Not...
  2. blr_p

    Police clamp down on anti-israel protests

    Exactly why it's mentioned. To bully you into submission. Saudis & Emiratis have already done it with their school texts Get rid of unrwa and work with Arab partners to change the next generation. Tie...
  3. blr_p

    Police clamp down on anti-israel protests It happened at a law school of all places No kidding.. Which means political actions does not apply to foreign students. Let's see how this case goes because if successful will...
  4. blr_p

    Police clamp down on anti-israel protests

    That's your opinion. I've told you mine It is that black & white just that some people don't want to admit it. Moral equivalence again. Let's equate a democracy with a genocidal terrorist group and it's supporters. And when said democracy takes actions to defend themselves come up with all...
  5. blr_p

    Police clamp down on anti-israel protests

    There are no double standards. And yeah nice try at creating a false equivalence there. This tactic is frequently used to equate the two sides. It's a flat out lie. It boosts the Pals that resort to terrorism at the expense of a rule abiding military and accountable democracy. If one side wants...
  6. blr_p

    Police clamp down on anti-israel protests

    From a realist lens it's complete nonsense. But there are political pressures to deal with. The south are mostly left to far left. Peace now types most willing to work with Arabs. They are all cousins. Crazy? Yes but that's how they think. If they have to give up half the country for peace they...
  7. blr_p

    Police clamp down on anti-israel protests

    They were expecting unrest in Judea & Samaria by Hezbollah. So they had pulled forces from the south to reinforce. Their eyes were elsewhere. Not to mention their own internal political battles. Literally at each other's necks and when Oct 7 happens they go.. Uh.. The difference between Israel...
  8. blr_p

    Police clamp down on anti-israel protests

    True, at the outset but there came a point where they surrounded the Egyptian 3rd army and wanted to anhilate them. Kissinger objected. No total defeat of Egypt would be tolerated by the US. Oct 7 is a psychological thing. Did anyone expect it. If anyone said beforehand it could happen would...
  9. blr_p

    Police clamp down on anti-israel protests

    Land that was under Islamic control cannot be allowed to pass into non Muslim hands and it is the duty of every Muslim to oppose it. That is the religious basis. As the 30s & 40s wore on. Jews from all Arab countries that had been living there for centuries were all banished. They ended up as...
  10. blr_p

    Police clamp down on anti-israel protests

    We did not pursue the total defeat of West Punjab? Whether because it was not an objective or the world prevented us. That is why the defeat of 1971 did not stop them creating trouble for us. That is India's lot :grumpy: Does not apply to Israel. Also consider it took three attempts to wipe...
  11. blr_p

    Police clamp down on anti-israel protests

    How many protesters agree with you on that point? None!.. and I've tried to demonstrate this from numerous sources around the world. More would be good but I think we all get the point. More importantly, polls show 70% of Gazans and closer to 80% in Judea & Samaria celebrate Oct 7 as a victory...
  12. blr_p

    Police clamp down on anti-israel protests

    What will the consequences of this unrest be? It starts with identifying the culprits and going after them 1) Couple of congressional probes in process In other words increased monitoring...
  13. blr_p

    Police clamp down on anti-israel protests

    We are in agreement
  14. blr_p

    Police clamp down on anti-israel protests

    Such as? Hah I wish. That is a job for the Iranian public to do. They will need to develop an army and governing power. That will take many years. The lesson we have learnt is states can be deterred but not groups like these. So the Israelis will be less trusting than before. That is fine...
  15. blr_p

    Police clamp down on anti-israel protests

    Think wider. If Hamas wins, which means they survive. It will mean anyone can attack Israel and the 'world' will shield them. Similar attacks can be made from Judea & Samaria. From Hezbollah. By militias from Syria/Iraq and finally Iran. Hezbollah is already shelling from the north. Iran made a...
  16. blr_p

    Police clamp down on anti-israel protests

    Call for Hamas to surrender, lay down arms and return the hostages. If Hamas actually did that the war stops tomorrow. That is the point of these protests isn't it. Stop the war. Every death whether Israeli or Arab is on Hamas.
  17. blr_p

    Police clamp down on anti-israel protests

    Over at Sydney University, a visibly Israeli supporter asks protesters for solutions Gag order in effect. Same MO at these protests no matter the country. Nobody dares to condemn Hamas? What are they afraid of
  18. blr_p

    Police clamp down on anti-israel protests

    Two terms of Trudeau and this is what you get in Canada See how this works. They create exclusion zones on university of Toronto premises which is public property and the cops do nothing. If you don't agree a genocide is happening they won't let you in. No arguing. If you aren't inviting...
  19. blr_p

    Advice - Choosing a 300ltr Fridge - Top & Bottom Door Fridge

    Post the shortlist after they visit with model numbers
  20. blr_p

    Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

    Been waiting to catch this since it's debut in Toronto back in 2022. 8/10 The animation (main draw for me) is superb as is the suspenseful plot Couldn't find it streaming anywhere and then discovered it on YT of all places :happy: Definitely makes you...