Adani One Website safe?

Hello Guys,
Is Adani One website safe to book flights, trains etc.?
has anyone used it before.

I am getting good offers for tickets for family on Adani one but little sceptical. So thought of asking here if any members have any feedback to share.
Yes, It's safe.

On a lighter note....

Hello Guys,
Is Adani One website safe to book flights, trains etc.?
has anyone used it before.

I am getting good offers for tickets for family on Adani one but little sceptical. So thought of asking here if any members have any feedback to share.
It is based on ONDC, so all it is doing is connecting you to the service provider and thus it is safe as long as the service provider honours the sale. In that sense Adani doesn't have much say in the deal, apart from probably providing discounts as a marketing initiative.