Build RSS reader using AJAX and PHP


Learn how to build an Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax) Really Simple Syndication (RSS) reader, as well as a Web component that you can place on any Web site to look at the articles in the RSS feeds.

The first thing I thought about doing when I read about requesting Extensible Markup Language (XML) from JavaScript code on a Web page was to get some RSS and display it. But I immediately ran into the security issue of XML Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), where a page that comes from
Code: can't address pages from anywhere other than [url][/url].
My plans to build a generic RSS reader in just the page were dashed. But Web 2.0 is all about ingenuity, and solving the problem of how to create an RSS reader with XMLHTTP teaches a lot about how to program the 2.0 Web.

This article walks through the construction of an Ajax-based RSS reader using both XMLHTTP and <script> tags as the transport mechanisms.

Ajax RSS reader