Concatenate two PDF files using Unix or SQL / PL SQL

No way you can do that
I had made a small java app using pdfbox api(find it on apache site) to extract data from a pdf
It can also create pdfs with data you give

sadly i dont have my old code anymore
if you know java then it should be a piece of cake
get the jar from Apache PDFBox - Java PDF Library
there is enough sample code for you to cut/paste and make a working app
I found a way to concatenate multiple PDF files in Unix.

Here is how it is done through gs (ghost script) command

gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q  -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile="Output_File.pdf" "File.pdf" "File2.pdf" "File3.pdf"..."Filen"

Here Output_File.pdf is the one that you want to make and all others after that are the source files. I am not sure if the source files are other than pdf then will it still work.

In my case it was output file (.out) of concurrent programs in oracle.

Note that here if the command is executed on normal unix prompt ($) then the files names have to wrapped in double quotes. But when the same is used in shell script then no need of double quotes anywhere.

PS: This is new to me and i learned yesterday only so i may not entirely be correct.