GetJar:"Steve Jobs is not our dad"


Just two days back apple lost the suit to block Amazon appstore,now they have sent a 'cease & desist' letter to GetJar, a web-based marketplace that serves apps for Android, Blackberry and Nokia phones.

Getjar replied
"We're not going to cease & desist. We were here long before Steve & Co. We were built by developers, to help developers... We're not going to take it! Steve Jobs isn't our dad,"

"won't be subject to this kind of bullying,GetJar was started by developers for developers in 2004. We started formally distributing free apps in early 2005 and are among the pioneers of the modern direct-to-consumer app store distribution space when the iPhone was just an R&D project in Steve Job's head. So it's not as if we were waiting around for Apple to come up with the idea of app stores."

source:Apple targets GetJar for using 'App Store' name | Apple Talk - CNET News

Amazon case:
Even though I like apple's products,Their attitude is just plain wrong.

Sometimes people judge me the same way,just because I own apple's products. :mad:
Apple os honestly behaving that they are above law of land.some on needs to sue them .

You see nokia also sued them and apple has agrred to pay few hundred millions dollars every year for using nokia's patents.

Apple honestly needs to be brought at same level as others.

They are scared of android taking over their market lead and they are trying all things to counter android short of accusing goog.

you see they positioned Iphone as premier device but now with android heat,they are talking of and working on smaller version to counter android.

We as Indians should be given raw deals like launching parts at their eol stage like iphone 4.ipad1 and all so on.

We must not be made dumping grounds for apple to get rid of older inventory.
One of the main reasons of Apple being successful is that they are aggressive. They will keep fighting battles. They will win some and they will lose some. Just few days back Apple did win a court case against Multi-touch patent. That itself can bring huge implications for the rest of the market. And seriously there is nothing better as of now as the app store. Just a few days back they hit the 15 billion mark for the apps download. So its obvious that how much revenue they generate from their store. They would surely try to keep it that ways and not anybody a sniff of the same.
The problem here is, this time they are trying to trademark / claim IP on an abbreviation.

"App" has been used as abbreviation of Application for ages, since before iPhone came into existence or Apple even had started it resurgence .

There is a limit to what extent one should/can go to try to protect so call "your" IP. There is no way one can claim trademark / IP on an abbreviation regardless when and who came up with it as a brand.

As far as Apple Apps store as a platform, its currently at the top. The question is how long it will last there. Android went from 3billion download at the end of May 2011 to 5.2 billion just 1 week into July. In little over 1 month it grew more than 50%.

The last thing Apple should be doing is trying to fight the stupendous battles in court. Its their products (and the big daddy jobs) that have brought them into the current position after they were almost dead and buried in late 90s. I hope they dont forget that and loose focus.
LOL Apple are losing it. Once Android takes over, they'll go back to their dark ages. Their attitude stinks, it's a pity, because their products are top class.
We should actually stop caring about all this, the more we h00t about it, the more this Apple jumps on top of out heads. Enough!

im sure they will soon start fighting over iPill Patent just cos it starts from i and comes in a white box

They will Even sue the local fruitshop for selling Apples,

we should boycott their End of life iphone models which they dump in India like a used tissue paper after ages its about to go EOL elsewhere and when they are about to launch next gen elsewhere, if iphone is the last mobile phone on the planet with no options at all i would still rely on land lines or maybe even Voip, but i wont pay a fortune for a phone which was dumped into my country like a used tissue paper thinking as if we were inferior than others , why do we even buy them ? Another fact 60% of the IOS development team comprises of us Indians

Remember the Tommy hilfiger statement which like made high tides just cos their CEO said something, this is a similar practical implementation by Apple, Dumping EOL technologies in our country thinking we are a dumping ground,
Since when can companies patent generic names like "App Store" ? I mean WTF ? What next ? Some company patents the "menu" feature on Operating Systems ?
Steal something from others, then sue them for using it?

Next for Apple:

1. Having a button below the screen in the middle,

2. The word 'Apple'

3. The alphabet 'i' ?