Huge Variance in Prices


For past week i was strongly debating about getting myself a second HD 5850 .... now i saw random posts in TE where i saw members claiming the price has come down to 15 ksh(new one) ... infact when i got the first card back in Feb i got it for 15900shipped ... but i have checked locally in chennai and i dont seem to get a price qoute for less then 16900 here in chennai ... i even contacted Adidya Infotech's local branch and that is the price quoted ... now that makes sense if there are additonal taxes here in chennai compared to Mumbai ... but mumbai has octori .. etc which makes it more taxed then here ... so my question is to all chennaites ( or if you buy hardware around here)

is there any other product where you have seen such varaince ?

why exactly this variance ?

or is this a case of demand vs supply ... when i spoke to mahaveer computers they said that the HD5850 had reasonable demand that they sold quite a few cards ...

so the final question is how far apart are prices is it across the country ... is it still the case where a train journey up to Delhi /mumbai is still justified to buy some serious hardware ( purchasing more then one comp ) ?