Legal Usage of images in Blogs

Can images from manufactures sites used in blogs for example if i am writing a blog about iphone 7 and i dont have my own images can i use images from apple site without legal problems ?
^^ That is assuming that the images are allowed to be used in such a manner. You cannot just rip any image from the website and publish it in your article just by putting in an acknowledgement.

Companies often make some marketing material available to select blogs/reviewers. So a tech blog like Engadget may take a table of specifications or some other images from the marketing material that they received and publish it with an acknowledgement that its courtesy of the company.

Further to that, fair use can also be utilized (laws change from country to country), but that also comes with its own fine print and does not give a Carte-blanche
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Thanks for the suggestions , have to check the marketing materials for blogers / review sites since stock image sites may not have recently released device photos .
these commons or cc, free image sites dont have pics of latest products if i have to write a post about the pixel phone where will i get a legal one ?