Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

chiron said:
Yeah, it was handled somewhat nicely in the movie too. The stuff in Happiness on the other hand was downright disturbing.
Watch the first five movies of larry clark. His movies leave me stunned for days. These are few lines from "kids".

Telly: But like, if you deflower a girl man, man, you're the man. No one can ever do that again. You're the only one. No one, no one, has the power to do that again.
Casper: Right. The way I see it. My outlook on the situation. It's like getting fame, you know what I'm saying? Say you was to die tomorrow right, fifty years from now all the virgins you ever fu@ked are gonna remember you. Right? They gonna tell their grandkids about that sh!t, "oh that telly was sure good in the sack".
Telly: Virgins. I love 'em. No diseases, no loose as a goose pu$$y, no skank. No nothin. Just pure pleasure.
eggman said:
Can anyone tell me if I can watch AVATAR in 3d in bangalore! Is there any 3D hall in Bangalore?

yea I'd like to know that too.

my cousin was saying something about Urvashi showing Avatar in 3D, but I'm not too sure about it. I had been there about 3-4 yrs back and it didnt seem too impressive. Dont know if they have renovated now.

Hope some theater puts up Avatar in 3D
District 9 - Finally watched this yesterday. Not your average hollywood sci-fi flick purely dependent on visual effects. I felt the lead actor made the movie special. His acting was heartfelt and endearing despite coming across as a prick initially. Looks like a sequel is gonna come out in a coupla years or three. Remember - " I'll be back in three years!"
Distric 9 = Completely STUPID movie! What were they thinking? rather wat were they trying to convey to its audience? At 1st i thought they were trying to convey some msg by comparing The Blacks with the Aliens and how The Blacks were treated there!.. but no.. thats not the case either.

The concept of a UFO Mothership stuck at a place for 20years and below that they found under-nourished aliens and then hence they gave them food "CATFOOD" and gave them place to stay there.. then the place was digested by the aliens and these ppl from earth want the place back.. and blah blah..

1st of all the whole concept of UFO and Aliens and First Encounter "if its ever true" wouldnt be made so open in public! There are so many points which made the whole idea ABSURD. The aliens living and breathing normally on our planet! LOL WTF! Can understand if its something to do with "INVASION" but here they've how shown as Aliens living and created a slum below their mothership.. :rofl:

No issues regarding Radiation, etc etc.. above all stupidest thing ever shown and ever seen is "The Black ppl selling catfood in black to the aliens in return they asked for the weapons which dint even work by humans and needed Alien DNA body.." yawn! This particular idea looked like it was a some kinda Spoof made on David Letterman show lol.

Only good part in the movie was THE MAIN ACTOR.. he was really touchy as said by the previous poster too.. his acting was really natural and damn good! The story after a few minutes in teh start became quite predictive when they showed that This guy was sent in to get signatures of the aliens to empty the slum... it was quite predictive as "indian movie thinking" to send a prick to Aliens so even if they attacked him and if he was killed wouldnt be a loss to the nation and the idea was by the "Sasoor" ie. Father of the Hero's wife! So MUCH INDIAN THINKING :rofl: :rofl:

..Just hope that the movie District 10 really does something sensible.. as in the end they said something about some aliens shifted to District 10 and the Father aline says "I'll return for you in 3 years".

There were some touchy scenes in the movie where they show how humans dont care about other creatures including one of the humans himself (the infected handed hero).. which upto certain is true coz if they ever found an Alien (or if they already have, if thats what they do according to the research @ nevada, etc etc) they could get really brutal just to learn the Alien technology to create weapons for war.. Also the best touchy scene which really slowed down the pace of my heart beats was almost during the end.. when they some how succeed in getting the Alien Liquid Fuel for the ship to travel back to their own planet where they can help the Hero to treat his hand back to normal.. and when they come back with all the hurry and energy.. the Father alien says that he needs some work around.. and that will take sometime and on asking he says 3 Human Years! ..man that was really really depressing!

...Wont rate the movie.. the movie was sure absurd at many points but the hero's acting was purely Superb and he deserves an Oscar for that kinda acting.. lol not at all the movie story and plotting!

..Even though it was a low budge movie but quite superior quality special fx was used... and hope District 10 (or whatever they name its sequel) comes out really well and good.
Ninja Assasin. 8/10

Action scenes are pretty cool. Storyline is quite superficial, and parts of the action scenes are frankly laughable because its illogical.
Guess Who's Coming To Dinner (1967) 9/10

Man! what a screenplay! And the whole movie takes place in half a day!

Sydney Poiter was brilliant.