Laptops To those who have dell lappies...


Some of you might already know it, for the others,

On the battery pack of every recent dell lappy, there are 5 LEDs.. They tell you the status of the charge and battery life without turning the lappy on (or without putting them in a lappy- if they are spare batteries).

Press the battery symbol that is besides the LEDs and the LEDs will light up. If 5 LEDs light up, then the charge is full, if 1 lights up, the the battery is almost empty.

Similarly, when you press and hold the same button for about 3 seconds, the number of LEDs that will light up tell you the state of your batteries health. If none light up, your battery is at more than 80% of its health, if all 5 light up, then it is at its last 20% of life.