Topic for Environmental Studies project?

start a campaign saying that global warming is bullshit. you will get so many sources and topics to pick up on.
Green Fuels and how green technology will be the backbone of the future.
Could include Electric Cars,Solar-powered Planes,Carbon-based batteries which are energy-efficient.
closer to home & that which is immediately affecting, like about the issue of rising garbage (all types) & problems due to waste-mismanagement, and prospective solutions, including how/what we individuals could do starting from our homes to check the issue?

P.S. - i had heard that Bengaluru for instance is virtually standing on heaps & mounds of garbage, with neither any place alloted to dump and segregate it, nor any kind of effective management. also, its daily more than evident that atleast Indian cities and towns are more like human-dwellings atop huge garbage mounds.
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also, another timely topic ('kickass' or not) could be energy-saving, for instance, saving/conserving electricity. am seeing ads about it on TV. infact, just saw one & hence thought of suggesting. seems govt. has initiated a campaign for increasing awareness for it.