Unable to log in to Yahoo or Windows Live Messenger


I know it's due to some ports issue.

It was working fine till a couple of days ago when the router kinda hung. Internet stopped wrking. I reset the router and since then Yahoo and Windows Live messenger havent worked.

On Windows Live Messenger, in the troubleshooting section, they have a diagnose thingy and there it says "Key Ports" and it has an X mark next to it while there is a check mark against everything else like DNS, firewall, Ip, Default gateway, etc....etc...

Only the key ports seems to be a problem. How do I solve it?

I have a buffalo WZR-HP-G300NH router.
Try changing your MTU setting to 1470. You are using the airtel 220BX and new router?

OT Where did you get the wzr hp G300 from? there are much cheaper and better routers out there :|
I got it from the Us for 6350 through KMD. For the features it has, I dont think I could get a cheaper router here.

Anyway, I'm using the Airtel Beetel 220bx which is connected to the Buffalo.

Where do I change the MTU setting?
Are you running on the 1.65 firmware? You will find the MTU setting under the PPTP server

Use the same MTU on your 220bx also (Under advanced settings,
Wide Area Network (WAN) Setup
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