VB.Net to C# Converter - 2.11:Rewrite VB.Net project in C#

Dark Star

VBConversions VB.Net to C# Converter is a state of the art conversion program which rewrites your VB.Net project in C#. Variable names, comments, and inline comments are preserved. Converts the 101 Microsoft VB.Net Samples successfully.

What's new in this version:

* Problems converting Using statements in VB.Net 2005
* Problems with Interface inheritance
* Methods implementing interface methods with generic parameters (VB.Net 2005)
* Problems with functions returning multidimensional arrays

Product Requirements:

* Microsoft .Net Framework 1.1

This product is designed to run on the following operating systems:

* Windows XP
* Windows 2003
* Windows 2000
* Windows ME
* Windows NT
* Windows 98

Download Links:Download VB.Net to C# Converter Now (File Size: 2.6M)