Which software do I use ?


Well I downloaded Eclipse/devc++/microshit VC++ 2008 express .... I just started making simple programs with Turbo C ... and then I download these and I see a space station control center . I mean there are so many weird buttons . The interface is so complicated . And I cant even write a simple program . Whenever I make new project there are so many choices that also only between Win32 application and stuff like that . I mean how do i make a simple program like we can make in Turbo C . Please help me . Tell me where to start .

The help of VCpp itself starts by explaining how to make apps and stuff like that . Can't find a proper tutorial and or guide on how to write a simple program in it . I mean its just so complicated .
Looks like you need Linux with it's powerful GCC and VIM command line tools :D

Or if you just want to stick to Windows, install Cygwin (and MinGW) so you get a powerful unix compiler and tools running on Windows.
Thanks guys . People keep recommending softwares . But eclipse/VCpp/devcpp are similar and I think others will be too . So I need to know how to use at least one to know how to use the other <.> .
Eclipse + GCC is the best.

Eclipse is soo simple, it even has tutorials, why the hell are you over whelmed.

And for that matter, in any IDE you have to Create a Project.

Just create a blank project, add a C or C++ file to it and Write the main function in that file, which makes it the Entry point. duh. Quite simple.
Thanks man but I cant seem to understand it . See these 2 screen shots .. the first one I just put the file name . what are those 2 windows for ? And when i just put the name and finish the screen on the right side is blank . Where to type the program ?


Man that's so sad. Where the hell is the COMPILER. Its not shown in Tool Chain Window. You don't need some advanced complicated Tool Chain, you just need the compiler that's good enough.

Did you download GCC ??

Go download MinGW Compiler. Its also called GCC. Its about 50Mb. Use the automated downloader.

Then install MinGW into C:\MinGW\

And after adding a project, Select the project, And then add a new source file to the project and it will open up in between. Type the shit in there. See my screen shot.

huh I wonder how you guys will develop applications later on.

Ok so I downloaded mingw and installed in C drive . now i can see the mingw in tool chain and I also added a source file . Thanks man its working :D . But can run it cos it says "launch failed no binaries"


I have no idea why is java written in the error . :/
Why are you trying to launch debugger.

Also you have added blank file dude. Add the file with proper extension. See my screen shot. its clear, its main.c

in tool chain don't forget to select MingGW.

And getch is not defined in iostream.

Also you forgot to add using namespace std.
Scorpy, what are you not able to figure out in devcpp? Do you know you have to use a different header file names and syntax (may I say API? mainly the main being int return type always and that std namespace) than the Turbo C age's C++? Did you add a system("PAUSE"); before the function's return statement?

Try one of the getting started with c++ tut on youtube.
See I really don't understand what this namespace std; does . Well I did manage to write a simple program using "Windows Console Application" in Visual Studio which is equally complicated for me . Dude I am using these softwares after Turbo C . In Turbo C there is no using username std; and you can use public void main() . Well I think that Turbo C is a bit outdated :/ . Could you suggest me a book to buy for C++ . I don't mean guide for the Visual Studio software I mean just for the C++ language . So that I know where to use what commands in the new editions of these compilers .
Ansi C is not a book right ? Cos I found other results for ansi c book in google search . Btw what compiler you use ? I already have Herbert I'm currently on the 2nd chapter hence I know nothing yet . :p .