Samsung pays Apple $1Billion By Sending 30 Trucks Full of 5 Cents Coins

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The security guards at at Apple ’s headquarters in California were left astonished when 30 trucks filled with 5 cents coin arrived. At first they thought the address was wrong, but within minutes Tim Cook (Apple CEO) received a call from Samsung CEO who clarified that they will be paying the fine of $1 billion in this way.

Source :
Samsung pays Apple $1Billion By Sending 30 Trucks Full of 5 Cents Coins - Its Windows!\

Found that article through facebook someone shared it on my wall , not sure about authenticity
common.. apple is smarter :)

they would probably weigh the trucks n findout how many cents are really there :D

kidding... hehehe
The metal of 5 cent billion coins is a lot costlier than a billion dollars themselves. Apple will be a lot happier for all the metal.
hahaha this would have been epicly funny,but it would have also shown a lack of class though.

anyways,pay up samshit.
at almost 4 gms a coin, you would need a lotttttttt more trucks, 2000+ at least if my calculations are right

Apart from a lot more trucks, no bank will validate such a cash transfer; they have note counting machines for a reason in the bank.

This also will prove that companies like SAMSUNG are holding onto excess change and causing economical problems for the US.

Fanboi - thank your stars patents wernt around when the circle was "invented"

I think that 360° rounded square shape they use as the home button will fit the definition of a 'circle'.

And thank the stars that Indians willingly gave away the knowledge of 0 and (.) decimal system. I dare not imagine how the world would have been if we would have stuck to the Greco-Latin number system. Calculus practice = :fear:
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