HELP:: Need to take legal action against people who kill stray dogs

Animals fear humans and humans fear animals - try not to show your fear or be overly aggressive that will cause them to pay you attention. Some people do have a way with stray dogs. You usually need to let them trust you. They are by far the most intelligent and loyal of any animals. I would prefer a common mongrel over any other dog.

I have few dogs as my friends at my work place where I go for a smoke and chai. I've never seen a dog approaching me with an attacking mood. Its all in the body language. and stray dogs forming packs and attacking everyone is just BS. All the stray dogs are scared of people unless a b**ch has puppies. even they leave the food in their mouth and run away if humans approach them.
The only problem I see with stray dogs is that they bark at mid night looking at unseen ghosts.

@LN and SS I think you guys need to change your perspective. try to approach a stray dog and tell me if it isnt running away from you.
I love animals but Space Screamer has a point. Animals are animals. Stop making them out to be angels. I've worked closely with animal activists all over the country and they are nuts! They often spout statements like 'animals are scared of you, animals never bite or attack anyone unless provoked'. This is just not true. There are aggressive animals, cowardly animals, friendly animals etc. Their personalities vary.
@LN and SS I think you guys need to change your perspective. try to approach a stray dog and tell me if it isnt running away from you.

When you are coming back from a movie or a party at 12 O'Clock and mad dogs start chasing you in a flocks. What would you do ? Stop your car/bike and approach them ?
Its all in the body language.
@LN and SS I think you guys need to change your perspective. try to approach a stray dog and tell me if it isnt running away from you.

The dogs need to be told who is the alpha male around. Be it in the house or on the street. Dogs have that sort of a psychology where they tend to be dominant. Unless the person is overbearing, a dog wont let go of the advantage.
The instances of dog making packs and attacking not something impossible. Not saying that they ll hunt for game, but any person takes evasive action or to protect, the tide will be against the human. Twice i have seen people rendered absolutely motionless cuz there were about 9 dogs all around and just wont let the person pass. I have experienced that myself once and honestly feared the worst. And no, not all these stray dogs run away.
Any dog catches rabies and then goes crazy, or the Sr citizens scared to death/panicking for his life.. i would prefer taking out all possibilities of such a situation.

Most problematic thing is the barking at nights (the day ones count ofc), rummaging the garbage bins, dragging and feasting on garbage bags in community lawn and ofc the poop.
People who feed the dogs should simply take them in, or keep shut when they are taken away. I am not a supporter of killing the animals like the chinese did, but they should be taken to shelters where they are better taken care of, and not be causing a problem to civic life either. Possibilities of adoption only increases their chances of better life.

Spacescreamer - were you bitten by a dog?

As i already mentioned, these dogs disturb the people who come for a visit or are passing by. I dont let my body language go lax in front of them.

They often spout statements like 'animals are scared of you, animals never bite or attack anyone unless provoked'. This is just not true. There are aggressive animals, cowardly animals, friendly animals etc. Their personalities vary.

The activist do act like senile people. Rushing into action at the slightest of the opportunity, and backing out when asked to take complete action by either getting an NGO/Organisation for dogs summoned.
Moreover they got zilch of an info about dogs psychology and are clueless when asked about their habits/disease or even hazards they pose.
Simply take the video and post in on video with all identities like the society name and persons involved...on Youtube and things will spread like fire and you know what will happen.

Actually in my area there was one lawyer who dragged a political bigwig to court with photos of his folks stoning stray dogs. Court was as usual lazy but he changed after he found a group of pple from Blue Cross and supporters shouting slogans against him. Surprisingly he has now adopted a habit of giving biscuits to stray dogs.

Attitude of the People wont change immediately and it takes a long time.

True that sometimes strays chase you if u are riding a vehicle...its bcause it has seen its pals run over by a vehicle. Just imagine the agony it would have felt. I have adopted a 2yr mother dog who saw her own pups being run over by cycle. She lost her sense and started chasing bicycle riders. Then we took her to Blue Cross, spayed her and kept her in the house. Now she is fine and is 13 years old.
I saw on discovery , one wild life expert who had tamed a lion from childhood , he said no matter what you do , in the end you cant eliminate animal instincts .
Animals like human beings have character traits as one person already mentioned above .

Dogs are generally not harmful , but going to calm a wild dog can turn out to be risky . How can you know he is not affected by rabies ? . Rabies affects their thinking power .

Where I previously used to live , I used to feed a small pup female when her mum was crushed by a car . She died suddenly , I dont know how . But again left a small pup behind , history repeating huh :p.
Fed him also , was quite aggressive when hungry , used to try to play and pull . Would open grab my leg with his mouth . But never used to bite , I guess I read animals know how to use exact amount of pressure on the jaws . But I used to get scared , what if something snapped in him and he bit me . The first time he did it , I was like blank , wtf . But before he could grow up a bit , he was crushed !! .

Then I ve fed a lot of stray puppies near my college , my friends used to think am a fool ! . One " informed " person said you are spoiling those pups because if you keep feeding them , they wont know how to find food for themselves . Made some sense , but if some came wagging his cute lil tail , I could not stop myself ! .

Am not adding all this experiences to bore you guys , but just trying to say I like stray animals . But even after all this experience and love , I would still avoid some angry wild dog .
Am all for being friendly with calm dogs but have no interest in trying to understand why some dog has gone mad or angry at things and trying to calm him .
I know that might not be good , that might increase bad opinion of the dog about humans but as its said , basic human instincts are to save onself . Even if you dont mean harm , but if some mad or angry dog jumps at you , you would instantly react !! . Thats basic human hardwire instincts , not all here are given shaolin or yoga training to react in a controlled manner .
This might be me at fault if you feel so , I wont deny , but thats how it is . I would prefer to avoid harm to me and the dog if I dont react in a harmful manner .
@LN and SS I think you guys need to change your perspective. try to approach a stray dog and tell me if it isnt running away from you.

Try approaching a pack of 20~30 dogs and see if they really run away. It would be really foolish to assume that they would be perfectly harmless in such a situation. And yeah, dogs have been known to attack without any understandable reason when they are in numbers. Pack instincts in dogs are as dangerous as in humans. Such instincts never die whether it is in humans or dogs and they do come out given the right conditions. Under large packs are formed, they start they start grabbing control of the territory and what ever is not part of the pack becomes an intruder and treated as such regardless of whether it is other dogs or humans in that area. Even the people who have been kind to them can be easily treated as intruders.

Dog attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just for the record, I have had cared for a couple of dogs when I was a kid. Its not like I have something against caring for animals, but taking care of animals should be done in a responsible manner that does not hurt the animals or inconvenience other people. Leaving food outside for stray dogs to gather and feed on is not equivalent to caring for them.
Just for the record, I have had cared for a couple of dogs when I was a kid. Its not like I have something against caring for animals, but taking care of animals should be done in a responsible manner that does not hurt the animals or inconvenience other people. Leaving food outside for stray dogs to gather and feed on is not equivalent to caring for them.

Bas Kar pagle, Ab kya Rulayega Sabko ??
Dogs had created a very big problem In my old locality. Biting everyone and what not. It was a pack of about 5 dogs which grew to be 12.

I myself love dogs, but I have no love for creatures who don't know their place.

They were given rotis filled with poison and of them died. Sad, but you have to take measures like this when the situation is out of control.
to all those who are getting sentimental about stray dogs and have never faced the "stary dogs" problem, consider yourself really lucky..

there were and are a number of small groups of dogs in our locality who have, let alone night, created fear for all the motorists and cyclists even during the day time..

and this rarely happens that the stray dogs might help us by running off thieves, etc.. they're just not humans and you should accept this fact..

and i am actually feeling sad that there are humans in our country who would be lucky if a guy puts this kinda efforts for them instead of dogs..

PS: i was bitten by a dog once but that ain't the reason i hate strays..
Just so you know not just strays even Home grown ones bite. My friend's sister got bit for no fault of her, by her dog a lab, a dog which she fed and took care of all through its life.
Anyway after medication she got around and so did the dog. The dog is not out of the house. The dog is 6yrs old now.
Just so you know not just strays even Home grown ones bite. My friend's sister got bit for no fault of her, by her dog a lab, a dog which she fed and took care of all through its life.
Anyway after medication she got around and so did the dog. The dog is not out of the house. The dog is 6yrs old now.

well, when you are petting a dog, it's your responsibility then and if it bites, it won't be considered the most shocking.. it's a dog and they have the tendency to bite.. also then why all this fuss about taking care of all those strays when even the home-fed ones can't be relied upon..
Lot of dog behavioural experts on this thread.. :)

A dog chasing down a car or bike doesn't intend to maul n kill the rider, this isnt some wildlife show. The dog is more likely to hurt itself.

Some people so have a natural fear of dogs and hence behave differently around them. I did too after being bitten at an early age but raising 3 dogs took all that away.

The problem of stray Animals is not just about dogs, stray cattle causes more troubles. I can handle a couple of charging dogs will run for my life if I see a cow run towards me.

Feeding of stray animals is somewhat of a cultural thing, even though my mom hates dogs she would always try to feed the stray animals due to some karmic thinking.

Despite it all senseless murdering of animals can never be justified. The case here seems to be of sheer sadistic pleasure which these people are getting by committing such acts.
Here is a fresh albeit sad example:

NEW DELHI: Mauled by a pet Labrador dog, an 11-month-old girl died on Tuesday evening after doctors at a Noida hospital lost a three-hour battle to save her. The Labrador, a breed known for its gentle ways, belonged to a dog breeder who is on the run. The dog was taken away by the municipal corporation.


....sometimes strays chase you if u are riding a vehicle...its bcause it has seen its pals run over by a vehicle. Just imagine the agony it would have felt.

Absolutely incorrect. Dogs instinctively chase the vehicles, and not cuz they have seen something horrible happening to their kin.
Any unfortunate incident can make them target specific vehicle/person, but its absurd to generalize such a reason for an occurence which is a common behaviour with the dogs all over the world.

Look up for prey drive vis a vis the dogs. Its a further example of the animal instincts, which can only be checked and not eliminated.

24-hour Bird Rescue Helplines:—If you spot an injured bird-Kites, Eagle, Owl, Crow, Pigeon etc.,contact :

  • Wildlife Rescue (Chawri Bazaar, Old Delhi)-98100-29698, 98101-29698, 98106-39698
  • Angel Eyes (Prasad Nagar, Delhi)-Small animals & Birds Ambulance-9999-4111-93
  • Fauna Police (Sarojini Nagar, Delhi) – 9212-11111-6, 98683-55222
Wildlife-rescue related:

  • Police 100; Fire: 101: Police and Fire Rescue Service also direct wildlife related calls to respective NGOs.
  • Wildlife Rescue (For Kites/Eagles and other non-vegetarian birds; located at Old Delhi): 98100 29698
  • Wildlife SOS (For all wildlife Located at Defence Colony in South Delhi): 98719 63535; 011- 2462 1939, 2464 4231
Street Animals:

  • Friendicoes (Under Defence Colony flyover, South Delhi): 24 hour Ambulance Service: 98733 02580; 011-011- 24320707 and 011- 24314787
  • Cure and Care Animal Help Foundation, Tilangpur Kotla ABC Unit, North West Delhi, near Najafgarh: 98119 83231
  • Animal India Trust (Lajpat Nagar, South Delhi): Dr. Devi: 93138 84347, 98112 52592; 011-5566 9924
  • Sanjay Gandhi Animal Care Centre (Raja Garden, West Delhi): 93122 11134, 011-2544 7751, 2544 8062
  • Sonadi Charitable Trust (Najafgarh): Mrs. Sen (C.R Park): 011- 26275216, 92121 31218; 9212797696 Simran – 2653-4210, 2653-4260; Najafgarh Hospital – 011 2532 1393; Dr. Vijay (Clinic at Ramesh Nagar, West Delhi): 98100 54693; Dr. Inder (Vet): 98103 46793
  • Jeevan Jyoti Hospital (Poothkalan, North West Delhi):Dr.Chehel: 98102 91832; Paramedic Sahib Singh: 98185 91832
  • Jeevashram (Rajokri, Near Gurgaon): Dr. Vinod Sharma: 99990 88998; 011-2506 3696, 2506 4114, 2506 4118
  • PAWS (Masoodpur, Vasant Kunj, South Delhi): Dr. R.T Sharma: 98100 36254; 011 2689 5737
  • People for Animals -PFA Delhi Headquarters, Delhi: 011-2335 5883, 2335 7088, 2335 9241
For Cows and Bulls:

  • Choudhary Mohinder Singh Tokas (operates from Munirka): 98103 05197, 96502 22787, 98103 94051
  • Dhyan Foundation: 9999 099 423
  • Love for Cows: 98184 34399
  • Just be Friendly (JBF India: Kotla Mubarakpur, Delhi): Dr. Shashanka: 011-2469 1181, 98182 41962
  • Manav Gou Sadan – A shelter home for stray cows, 975, Street Jogiyan Near Jawaher Chowk, Najafgarh
    Tel: 9313327983
NCR (Gurgaon, Faridabad, Ghaziabad, Noida)

  • PFA Faridabad (Sector 55, Faridabad) :Mr. Ravi Dubey:92139 61501; 92501 26550
  • PFA Gurgaon: 9811703501
  • PFA Haryana: 98130 10595
  • PFA Sadhrana, Gurgaon: Ph. 0124 – 2276502, 98188 38628; Dr. Pandey : 93122 89628
  • Friendicoes Ambulance Service at Gurgaon: 9582337671
  • SPCA Noida, Animal Shleter and Hospital,Where: Plot No. 8, Sector 94, Noida (Near Mahamaya flyover), Tel: 9999929204, 9818085256 (confirmed)
  • PFA (People for Animals) Raj Nagar extn, near Nandi park, Ghaziabad, Ms. Sumeidha Iyer, Ph.:9910821629,9212548047
  • PFA Ghaziabad: Mrs. Ashima Sunil Swaminathan (nee Ashima Sharma), Ph. 98109 23679, 0120- 4122100, 93120 68152
Stray dogs in Salt Lake are absolute a$$holes, they move in packs and won't hesitate to get their paws on you. They are fed by the locals here and create a nuisance. My area has had quite a few burglaries so they are clearly not keeping thieves away.

This breed of rabid dogs are a big PITA.