The "Everyday" show-off thread !

@Dark Star


@all who feels this looks like 5233.






Now tell Is it GNEX or 5233 ????
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@Ankush , ofcourse Google Galaxy Nexus it is, my comment was just aimed as joke, dont take it so seriously, u dont need to prove a point :P

BTW nice wallpapers!
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@Ankush , ofcourse Google Galaxy Nexus it is, my comment was just aimed as joke, dont take it so seriously, u dont need to prove a point :P

BTW nice wallpapers!

Ya ya man i know you mean it as a joke and i am not proving any point to you just want to show off some nice wallpaper ;) :ohyeah:
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After purchasing iphone 5 for my sister i was feeling somewhat disappointed about my LG optimus black . So i have decide to get the Note 2 .
Asked my dealer friend and he allready had a review model of note 2 with him ! He was ready to sell me that itself for 34k without warranty . I refused , i wanted the box packed model with official warranty which he said would arrange in 3-4 working days for around 36-38k , he is my friend and i wont pay him above 36k :)
In short Note 2 coming soon !!!!!

One issue is that with the introduction of note2 the price of note 1 has fallen , i asked him and its available for 27.5k . Now what should i buy ! Is the extra 10k worth ??
Angry traveler

aka Rage and Voyager, got these from Fry's in Sunnyvale, California this Sunday for $103/-


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