Linux A Complete Operating System Optimized For Anonymous Surfing

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Tails, or The Amnesic Incognito Live System, is a Live Linux distribution, which means that it runs from a DVD and doesn't need installing. When you're done using it, just remove the disc from your drive and boot straight back into Windows as normal.

The advantage of Tails over other Linux Live distributions is that everything's configured for the ultimate in anonymous usage. The web browser automatically uses the Tor system, for example, so your activity is untraceable. It's easy to send encrypted email too. And when you're done, reboot into Windows and no one will ever know that you were using Tails.

In addition to the web browser and email client, Tails includes a collection of other useful Linux programs, such as the OpenOffice suite and the Gimp image editor.

Tails is a fairly hefty 900 MB download from and you'll need a blank DVD disc too (it's too large for a CD-RW). Once booted, you'll need to wait a couple of minutes for it to set up the Tor connection, after which you're ready to go anonymous.

Virus or hackers attacking shouldn't be a problem for people booting from a pen drive. You can easily throw away the drive or format it if privacy is the biggest concern.
Virus or hackers attacking shouldn't be a problem for people booting from a pen drive. You can easily throw away the drive or format it if privacy is the biggest concern.

But the chance of infection is there for USB, which won't be there with a DVD. Anyway it ultimately boils down to individual preference. Personally I like USB with persistence.
CyberGhost is free.

Google "Best free VPN"[DOUBLEPOST=1396709258][/DOUBLEPOST]
how to use that

1. Download cyberghost. Google "cyberghost"
2. Then download tor browser Google "tor browser download"
3. Open CyberGhost. It will give you an anonymous IP address.
4. Then open the tor browser.
5. Viola. You're anonymous.
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Is PPTP safe enough a protocol to download torrents over without the ISP noticing or is it better to go with open vpn protocol.
i understand pptp is compromised but in the context of usage.
Why not just use tor + VPN instead of all this headache.
Because it leaves no trace on your machine. Unlike Tor+VPN access which leaves some footprints behind, this is completely foolproof method of surfing anonymously. Even the Tor connection is set up by OS before you do anything.
There is 'Tor Browser Bundle' which is better at privacy and anonymity while browsing.

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But mate, Tails comes with tor. No need to worry about downloading and setting it up. Plus, no history whatsoever in temporary file, cache and what not.

I mean, read only OS is any day better than installed operating system.
what I would do in case of so called emergency where I have to cleanup the hdd is a simple command. :jimlad: just boot off a linux live cd/floppy/usb and run the below command on your hdd.:p its like peeing on your hdd

for i in {1..3}
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sdb oflag=direct
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