Rate the Last Movie You Saw...


Hi all,
This is the thread where u all can post the last movie you saw.

You may post as many times as you want.
But, no two consecutive posts can be from the same person.
Movie Repeats are not allowed.
Here is what I had seen last

Harrison Ford - The Fugitive
hmasalia said:
Hi all,
This is the thread where u all post which is the last movie you are listening to.

You may post as many times as i want.
But, no two consecutive posts can be from the same person.
Here is what I had seen last

Harrison Fort- The Fugitive
You mean the last movie watched. I dont know how you just listen to a movie :huh:

The Movie i watched yesterday
First Daughter starring Katie Holmes
Yeah sorry guys I meant Last Movie watched....

My mistake... full blame accepted... hope my apology is accepted as well...
hmasalia : This is the thread where u all post which is the last movie you are listening to. You may post as many times as i want.
This should be moved to the jokes section :tongue: :rofl:
Jet Li : the Legend only fight scenes :P
not like hera pheri...its a blind copy of There's smthing abt MAry...but its worth watching once...quite a good copy i must say
hmasalia said:
Yeah sorry guys I meant Last Movie watched....
My mistake... full blame accepted... hope my apology is accepted as well...
Hmm....i know where the text was copied from.:bleh:

Last Movie I had seen....hmm...
It was
I, Robot on Comp DVD Edition from Original DVD.
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I watched some strange chines movie"fists of fire" but I am not sure whether it was bruce lee in it or not?? :(

can anybody confirm??

anyway great Kung-fu1 :)