Recent content by FILL4U

  1. F

    wow players

    Who plays WoW ?Chars and realms?
  2. F

    Networking problems

    I can't get my 2 computers to see one another in the network. I have a laptop and a desktop both running winxp. Can someone tell me what to do to get them to see one another on the network? Thanks
  3. F

    CISCO System

    Hi, I'm learning Network for recive CISCO certification (CCNA1)... If someone can help me, because course is sometime difficult, and I've to study it in English (I'm italian)... Now I'm studing TCP/IP protocol and OSI protocol... I've to understand layer... Someone can help me? Thanks
  4. F

    Ubuntu 7.10 or PCLinuxOS 2007?

    OK, I confess I'm bored and want to play with distros again. I'm considering the latest Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) or PCLinuxOS 2007 - is anyone running either of these at the moment can give me their views - I think Spezi or Flops were using PCLinux at one time - anyone running the latest Ubuntu?