Recent content by sky

  1. S

    31-40k PC for home use

    What would be cost of a gpu suitable for usual task and some games?
  2. S

    31-40k PC for home use

    Thanks @vyral_143 Any chances for cost come down for Intel proc. I had i5 8400 in mind as it have 6 cores and Intel cores are more powerful than AMD, this is what everyone say here. And if I have to run VMs, more cores definitely help. I can wait for a month or so. There is no point in buying i5...
  3. S

    31-40k PC for home use

    Hi, sorry for reviving old thread but I had some medical emergency and I had to divert all my funds. Now I overcome that situation, I am thinking on this requirement again. I have the same requirement but this time I have to think between AMD Ryzen 5 2400G and Intel i5 8400. And operating...
  4. S

    41-50k Need gaming CPU under 50k | Ryzen build

    No, I don't want to spend anything on dedicated GC as gaming is not my primary objective. System would be mostly used for office work, music, HD movies or some small games for kids. So 1600 is out of picture, but now confused between 2400G and 2200G
  5. S

    41-50k Need gaming CPU under 50k | Ryzen build

    Sorry for hijacking this thread, but I have similar requirements. Just want to know if Ryzen 1600 is better call or I go with Ryzen 2400G?Sorry for hijacking this thread, but I have similar requirements. Just want to know if Ryzen 1600 is better call or I go with Ryzen 2400G?
  6. S

    31-40k PC for home use

    Heard that 8400 work with 300 series of motherboards which will be launched in Q1 2018. Then how come this CPU is available without motherboard. If I need GPU with both and then Mobo+CPU cost me same. Question is, will I get benefited with 12 cores of AMD vs 6 of i5?
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    31-40k PC for home use

    My old desktop is almost dead, so I have decided to build a new. So far, desktop was used by kids, music, movies (what else you expect from a P4) and keep back up of my laptop in internal drives. With new machine I might run some VMs for learnings. What is your budget? 40K. Can extend 45k...
  8. S

    Clash of Clans - MMO

    I am using bluestacks, working perfectly for me.
  9. S

    Clash of Clans - MMO

    Good point. Will keep it in mind during next raid. Thanks.
  10. S

    Clash of Clans - MMO

    I have only 600 trophies whereas 1000 are required to join. So either you send me invite or I will wait to earn 1000 trophies. My ID is sunil yadav
  11. S

    Clash of Clans - MMO

    Can I request members who are active on CoC game to start clan and come together? Before that at least count how many members are active there. Come on guys!!!!
  12. S

    Clash of Clans - MMO

    I was not able to find "TechEnclave" clan. Does it still exist @Renegade ?
  13. S

    Clash of Clans - MMO

    oh...ok, I just started 2 days back and very low on resources. So was thinking to boost the game. Anyway, will go slow and steady now. Thanks
  14. S

    Clash of Clans - MMO

    hey, anyone used CoC cheat or hack tool to get unlimited resources?
  15. S

    Android Must have Games for Android

    This thread is dead. Does everyone here stopped playing games on mobile?