I have opened this thread to seek opinion on people who already do or intend to import stuff from China where you can buy almost every thing at really competitive rates. Ofcourse, we are talking about original brands and replicas too. Based on all this, what I have figured out in last few days of my research over the internet.
If anyone has any other options or is aware of things that is not common knowledge and such, please do mention.
- On Aliexpress, 95% items are no longer shippable to India and if you do find someone that ships (officially through aliexpress website and payment system), the charges are really exorbitant.
- You can contact individual sellers and ask them over chat if they are willing to ship to India. If yes, they ill give you shipping charges which obviously won't work. As an example, I enquired about a fake lego architecture set which was $17 on aliexpress, I was given quote of $22 for shipping alone.
- Alibaba is also another option to buy and you can search for sellers whose MOQ (minimum order quantity) is 1. For single item, price is higher and shipping here too isn't that great. This option should not be considered as it involves talking to seller and negotiating and such. Not always feasible. Same case will aliexpress too actually.
- Buying agents - websites like superbuy or pandabuy act as agents and will buy product for us from websites like taobao etc and we can use their estimator tool to estimate the shipping charges. This is a hassle free option as it is more or less like shopnship etc work. Just that you have multiple options of shipping. Cheapest is EMS. An example I tried was for a 3600 gms fake lego set and lowest shipping was 360 CNY (4200 rupees). This does not consider customs. At 4200 rupees, for each kg, we would be paying 4200 / 3.6 = 1200 rupees approx per Kg. Remember that customs is not considered here so that is still an additional cost.
- I was searching on aliexpress for shipping forwarders and got some India based ones so I contacted one on whatsapp. The rate they gave me was
- Rs. 2000 per kg for 1-5 Kg
- Rs. 850 per kg for 5-20 kg
- Rs. 800 per kg for 20-50 Kg. and so so.
- Adding ebay.com as an option after @ze_cook mentioned the same in this thread.
If anyone has any other options or is aware of things that is not common knowledge and such, please do mention.
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