Adani group, an Evil corp?

Indian regulator finds Adani offshore investors in disclosure rules violation, sources say

India's markets regulator found a dozen offshore funds invested in Adani group companies were in violation of disclosure rules and in breach of investment limits, two people with direct knowledge of the matter said on Monday.
They declined to be named as they not authorised to speak to media.
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and the Adani Group did not immediately respond to emailed requests for comment.
Maybe, but he is our evil guy :) Every country needs a few.

Are Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and Bechtel evil? They most prob are, but they have kept the US military machine running. Without them, US will be no different from Somalia (or Canada).
Good Example for those who 365/24x7 keep crying about Amabani, Adani and may be soon they will add few more in their list ...

I again repeat my post here, those who are keep selling second hand/used hardware at more price by hiding actual price/ownership/fault etc. and also taking advantage of scarcity of that hardware to push price up... STOP lecturing/posting here anything about any other... you ALL better start charity/good work from your own pocket & home and than curse others.
Maybe, but he is our evil guy :) Every country needs a few.

Are Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and Bechtel evil? They most prob are, but they have kept the US military machine running. Without them, US will be no different from Somalia (or Canada).
Wow, never thought I'd see this level of bootlicking here.
Maybe, but he is our evil guy :) Every country needs a few.
That's what they said about the robber barons of the US in the 19th century. And I agree. Every developing country needs them. I once said the same to a Ukrainian over a decade ago when she was complaining how the oligarchs were running the country.
Are Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and Bechtel evil? They most prob are, but they have kept the US military machine running. Without them, US will be no different from Somalia (or Canada).
I wonder how many realise that we live in an American ordered world. Americans inherited whatever was left standing of a British ordered one.

The life you have, the world you grew up in and expect depends on America being America. There is some doubt these days as to that proposition. Currently America is not being America or doesn't want to anymore.
Wow, never thought I'd see this level of bootlicking here.
Because it's rare to see clued up people posting in these topics.
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To be fair, most people here indulging in simplistic binary arguments haven't experienced what a great power conflict is and how the outcome of such a conflict plays an outsized role in what are considered normative/ideal ways of thinking by the larger world. For instance, the deification of 'liberalism', which is an otherwise vague term that doesn't help you understand anything about the world around you. It's all about what 'should be', instead of 'why it is (the way it is)'.

It took me a while to grow out of this arrogant, binary thinking. Took me a while to learn ways of thinking that help make sense of the world, as it was, is, and will be.

Adani is small fry in the larger scheme of things.
And I agree. Every developing country needs them.
Hmm. Developed countries need them even more. You need 'evil' billionaires to wage wars, which is the primary responsibility of a state. If Israel didn't have have as many billionaires as it does (including ones with dual citizenship), it would be rubble by now.

Let's not forget the context of this thread. It was created shortly after the Hindenburg report which came shortly after Adani's Haifa port acquisition. My interest in Adani is limited to his service towards India's strategic needs.

When Israel needed drones to defend itself from the gazis, they were shipped from Adani's Hyderabad factory. Indians should be grateful to Adani for helping one of our friends in difficult times.

I once said the same to a Ukrainian over a decade ago when she was complaining how the oligarchs were running the country.
'Oligarch' in CIS context is a loaded word. When the soviet union fell, the natives has no idea what to do next. American consultants came in busloads to setup the capitalist systems. The (often unsaid) accusation was that the people who benefited most from privatization were Jews who used their American financier friends to game the system.

One of the first things Putin did after acquiring power was to bring these 'oligarchs' under control. Some were jailed, some left the country and some made peace. A lot of hatred against Russia in American newsrooms is prob due to his actions against the 'oligarchs'.

Considering the trajectories of Russia and Ukraine in the last 40 years, it seems your Ukrainian friend was right.
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Hmm. Developed countries need them even more. You need 'evil' billionaires to wage wars, which is the primary responsibility of a state. If Israel didn't have have as many billionaires as it does (including ones with dual citizenship), it would be rubble by now.
This would be true over a hundred years, ago. Private financiers were needed back then. These days states have the finances or can acquire them as proxies but not necessarily the weapons which come with conditionalities.
Let's not forget the context of this thread. It was created shortly after the Hindenburg report which came shortly after Adani's Haifa port acquisition. My interest in Adani is limited to his service to India's strategic needs.
Yeah posted this already.
When Israel needed drones to defend itself from the gazis, they were shipped from Adani's Hyderabad factory. Indian's should be grateful to Adani for helping one of our friends in difficult times.
Are you sure about this. They have outsourced their drones production to a number of countries and I don't think we're one of them. They pretty much pioneered the industry with lots of domestic production as well.

They need more basic things. Obama structured 'aid' to include basic munitions like air bombs, artillery and tank rounds for free. This meant the local factories had no economic reason to make them. Then Ukraine happens and Jan '23, the Americans ask for the ammo they pre-positioned in Israel. Meaning Israel started the war with an empty cupboard and had to scramble and restart their domestic production again.
'Oligarch' in CIS context is a loaded word. When the soviet union fell, the natives has no idea what to do next. American consultants came in busloads to setup the capitalist systems. The (often unsaid) accusation was that the people who benefited most from privatization were Jews who used their American financier friends to game the system.
A lot of Jews wanted out of Russia once the union collapsed so I don't know to what extent this accusation is true. Lots of antisemitism as earlier the soviets were active backers of the Pals since they had very little influence in the Arab world. The arabs supported these so called Pals, as a balance to zionism. Soviets saw Israel as this western outpost that defeated their Arab clients. A lot of current anti Israel rhetoric came from the soviets.

After the collapse many Russian Jews went west and others to Israel to the point Putin thinks of Israel as this Jewish country with Russian speaking people.
One of the first things Putin did after acquiring power was to bring these 'oligarchs' under control. Some were jailed, some left the country and some made peace. A lot of hatred for Russia in American newsrooms is prob due to his actions against the 'oligarchs'.
Definitely and much of the present action is to topple him for that reason. Putin had two rules when it came to oligarchs. No selling off national assets to foreigners and no involvement in politics. Otherwise leave. He stopped the rampant looting that went on in the 90s.
Considering the trajectories of Russia and Ukraine in the last 40 years, it seems your Ukrainian friend was right.
Yeah, she's not with us anymore. Given her IDF background she got roped into some Uki militia and one fine day in 2015 we learnt she was gone. A week before she left for her mission she posted this photo of wheat fields against a blue sky. That's where the Uki flag comes from. She was saying good bye.

Had I known what I do today I'd have told her to leave Ukraine for Israel. What a waste. Ukraine is just using its people as cannon fodder to get external funding for a corrupt American installed government dating back to the coup in 2014. This is a government that answers to its creditors before it's people. I don't think oligarchs have much to do with the trajectory which is being funded & directed by Washington & EU. War is business so they do their part.
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This is why they hate Adani

India's first transshipment port, built by Adani Ports, just became operational.
Pinarayi has been surprisingly bullish on Vizhinjam. He also seems to have a good working relationship with the centre.
Pinarayi's daughter is under ED lens, Adani and his highly designated team visited a small temple near his house in local village right in appropriate time :)
State is strangled on finances, center have the state by neck and is seriously affecting welfare initiatives.
And Pinarayi's party is trying to copy China's capitalism, they are awash with business interests.


The port is given approval for transshipment which may start by Sep.'24 probably.
Don't think that port is sole reason for anybody to hate Adani. There is actually no hate from Indians, but when people see disproportional asset arraignment, they starts doubting.
Pinarayi's daughter is under ED lens, Adani and his highly designated team visited a small temple near his house in local village right in appropriate time :)
State is strangled on finances, center have the state by neck and is seriously affecting welfare initiatives.
And Pinarayi's party is trying to copy China's capitalism, they are awash with business interests.
Didn't understand the temple thing?

ED heat on his daughter is a recent thing. Vijayan has been uncharacteristically (for the left) bullish on Vizhinjam ever since he assumed office back in 2016. Kerala's finances have always been such that capex has taken a back seat. It needed a more pragmatist approach to lift the state out of this morass, and Vijayan has played nice with the centre on certain things to help with that. Smart politics, the kind Revanth Reddy seems seems to be aiming for in TS.

And this pragmatism hasn't gone unrewarded, as he got voted back in '21.
This is why they hate Adani
Who is they?

India's first transshipment port, built by Adani Ports, just became operational.
My take on this earlier focused more on the Haifa acquisition. There was more international involvement with that one than this port
> Didn't understand the temple thing?

Rumors associated with visit to Rajarajeshwara temple, Thaliparamba. Amit Shah also visited that temple. Temple though historic with deeply mythical connections, is not that famous in other parts of state, leave alone north India. Anyways that is mere allegation (TVM airport at state capital went to Adani within 15days), apparenly Pinarayi was not in country at that time.

> ED heat on his daughter is a recent thing.

Right in time for elections, if Pinarayi felt back-stabbed when least expected, things are not at all fine.

> Kerala's finances have always been such that capex has taken a back seat.
As any south Indian state, it gave more to center, got less in return. And is promised to get proportionately less in future, due to less population.
And unless the natural environment which is already devastated is not seriously disturbed more, no big capex can be done there, not fully fault of state, but that is how it's geography is. There can be definitely efficient ones, but local politicians are not snuff enough for that. Really need pragmatic approach. So now center will take over and local state can't do anything about it.

> And this pragmatism hasn't gone unrewarded, as he got voted back in '21.

Nothing to do with his pragmatism, state's tad sane-headed approach during Covid19 (Shailaja teacher, the rockstar ?) and food-kit welfare measures to poor (and internal migrants) played well. Now he is suffering for that, he and his party's reputation is in utter shambles.


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There is actually no hate from Indians,
Great. Even I do not consider Rahul Gandhi an Indian.
My take on this earlier focused more on the Haifa acquisition. There was more international involvement with that one than this port
Any move towards self reliance is going to ruffle some feathers.

We currently use Colombo and Singapore (among others) for our imports/exports. Not a good arrangement when we have a conflict with China. A deep port 10 miles from international shipping corridor is a big deal.
Who is they?
We will never know. We can. however, see their tools.

There were organized protests against this port. Hard to say if they were genuine ones by affected locals or something done at the behest of more shadowy forces. Considering the nature of protests in India (and worldwide), I am more inclined towards the latter.
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> Even I do not consider Rahul Gandhi an Indian.

That is just level of problem you have, most Indians does not consider him snuff up to the level of politics he is involved in, that is all.

> Any move towards self reliance is going to ruffle some feathers.

There will be obvious macro economic and geo political rivalry between nations.
That is not some dark force conspiring against beloved businessmen and politicians.

Utmost shooting in the foot only happened when Palk Straight was discourage from shipping routes, Sethusamudram shipping route would've been far beneficial now. Lets hope now that right people are in power, such project will workout.