Storage Solutions What is DNA data storage ?

Please eli5 what this is
I believe this is the main reason for the existence of LLM now, so sharing the ChatGPT 4o version of it. Guess it is too much ELI5.

ELI5 (Explain Like I'm 5):
Imagine you have a super tiny, magical book that can hold all the stories and information in the world, and it won't get old or fall apart for thousands of years. This is what scientists are trying to do with DNA. DNA, the stuff in our cells that tells us how to grow and look, can also be used to store data from computers. It's like fitting a giant library into something the size of a sugar cube.Right now, it's really expensive and takes a long time to put data into DNA and read it back out. But scientists think they can make it cheaper and faster soon. So, while we won't use it for everything, it could be super helpful for saving important information for a very long time.