Budget 41-50k Laptop,with 16 gb and 512gb, 14 inch screen size, light weight, for coding purpose.

please suggest model that cost lot less with following

512gb storage
14 inch screen size
light weight
"a lot less"

look at Asus VivoBook & Acer Aspire series, apply your filters. IdeaPad3 too.

Best would be if you are ok with used; you would get a 1 or 2 year old laptop with much higher build quality & most importantly display. Display is the biggest compromise in the low budget devices.
any link please, need one for office work
look at this. you may bargain further as well! don't quote me though :)

the only weakness I saw was that the charging port is not USB-C, but keep in mind that lower-end stuff often comes like this.


Im using this, laptop which i bought New. Really really good.
Awesome igzo display, light metal body, etc.