Anyone using Bone Conduction headphones?


Hi Guys,
So I dont know how many of you suffer from this condition but I cannot use in-ear earphones. Not even for few minutes and has been using earphones which just sit on the ear. Now, I cannot wear these for long hours. Same goes with headhpones. Recently came across bone conduction headphones and would like to know if anyone is using it and whats their view!
I tried it for a day when a colleague lent it to me a couple of years ago. I can't remember the brand or model though.

It was comfortable and has good battery life. But the sound quality is mediocre. It'll be fine for calls, meetings, podcasts and but not recommended for music, movies etc. A lot of detail is lost (Sounded closer to a hearing aid than proper earphones IMO). Another thing is that it can get drowned out by ambient noise easily.

Things might have improved since then, but this was my experience. Depending on what you plan to use it for, this could be a good option.
Ok, So I took the plunge and purchased this !
Its been two days and yes, my ears are liking it :)
I know there are very few people who doesnt like to have normal earphones but the few ones, who have that tendecy that any earphones gives them headache or pain, this is very good in my opinion. The sound quality is not too bad as well. Its good for watching movies, podcasts, etc since these requires to listen for longer hours!
Will keep updated as I use it more !!
Ok,, so had a long call with a friend in outside environment (with no vehicles) and it went very smooth. The other person didnt had any complaints about my voice. Next will try on some noisy enviorment !
I am pretty satisfied with it, have been using it for a week now. Calls and casual music/podcast listening is fine. The only time you need to go at 100% is when you are in super crowded place, otherwise, in a quite place, the sound is above average as well!
I am pretty satisfied with it, have been using it for a week now. Calls and casual music/podcast listening is fine. The only time you need to go at 100% is when you are in super crowded place, otherwise, in a quite place, the sound is above average as well!
If you increase the volume, does the sound leak to other people too?
If you increase the volume, does the sound leak to other people too?
I read that happens already when the volume is just over 50% it will only become more leaky at higher volumes

Under 50 it's low enough for people sitting next to you to not notice you are listening to music say.
Hi Guys,
So I dont know how many of you suffer from this condition but I cannot use in-ear earphones. Not even for few minutes and has been using earphones which just sit on the ear. Now, I cannot wear these for long hours. Same goes with headhpones. Recently came across bone conduction headphones and would like to know if anyone is using it and whats their view!
Do you mean it pains you physically? In that case you will have to search for foam tips that fit your ear canal. Every person's ear canals are different sized. In fact in my case right and left ears are different.

Or did you mean that the sound volume hurts your ears? In which case you should lower the volume. In fact "in-ear" are the best for listening at lower volume because the foam tips tend to cut-off the ambient noise; thus you can listen at lower volumes.
Do you mean it pains you physically? In that case you will have to search for foam tips that fit your ear canal. Every person's ear canals are different sized. In fact in my case right and left ears are different.

Or did you mean that the sound volume hurts your ears? In which case you should lower the volume. In fact "in-ear" are the best for listening at lower volume because the foam tips tend to cut-off the ambient noise; thus you can listen at lower volumes.
It has become uncomfortable to stick anything in his ear is what he means.

He must have been wearing in ears for long hours over an extended period of time and developed some irritation. He then moved on to buds that just sit in the ear OG airpod style or any earbuds from a decade ago with max leakage and even those aren't comfortable anymore.
heyy , yes , i do suffer from similar condition, in my case anytime i used in-ear headphones , too much wax was getting generated which was making it impossible to use them.
I researched them, and got the aftershockz aeropex which was luckily available locally at mrp at that time with warranty.
ofc sound quality is mediocre, but it helps a lot in health activities, like gym ,commute or running outside .

as for usage, its good enough for media consumption, and music as long you dont care too much about sound quality, even for casual calls, its fine. but wont recommend it for professional use. sometimes audio isnt clear enough and you can miss on critical things.

Also its hard to hear when you are already in some place with loud sounds, like a gym or marriage function .
Ok, So I took the plunge and purchased this !
Its been two days and yes, my ears are liking it :)
I know there are very few people who doesnt like to have normal earphones but the few ones, who have that tendecy that any earphones gives them headache or pain, this is very good in my opinion. The sound quality is not too bad as well. Its good for watching movies, podcasts, etc since these requires to listen for longer hours!
Will keep updated as I use it more !!
how was the experince ?
any problems in the long run?
Its working perfectly fine!
Still using it although for music, I have taken another headphones.
Just to mention, these are not bone conduction earphones but are open ear earphones.

Thanks for mentioning last line as that was a question from me. These are essentially speakers just outside your ear, albeit tiny ones. Possible positioned in a certain way to direct sound inside your ear.

If this one is to your linking, did you ever consider the "samsung live buds"? I have never used them but they don't go "inside ear" so it may be good for you. Or you experience pain if something even is inside your ear slot (even if it doesn't go inside ear canal)?
Thanks for mentioning last line as that was a question from me. These are essentially speakers just outside your ear, albeit tiny ones. Possible positioned in a certain way to direct sound inside your ear.

If this one is to your linking, did you ever consider the "samsung live buds"? I have never used them but they don't go "inside ear" so it may be good for you. Or you experience pain if something even is inside your ear slot (even if it doesn't go inside ear canal)?
Yeah, you are right about it that these are just speakers, just hanging outside the canal, but they do it in a way that the angle is correct and there is minimal audio leak.

And yes, I have tried Live buds but not again able to adapt to it, it does fit in the ear but I found them uncomfortable.
And yes, I have tried Live buds but not again able to adapt to it, it does fit in the ear but I found them uncomfortable.
You must have small ears then. For people that would typically use the large size tip for earphones they are fine. They are more useful in a quiet environment though. Not so much in a noisier one as you would have to raise the volume and it would not be good for the ears in that case
You must have small ears then. For people that would typically use the large size tip for earphones they are fine. They are more useful in a quiet environment though. Not so much in a noisier one as you would have to raise the volume and it would not be good for the ears in that case
Possible. But in general, my ears are very senstive as well so most of the things which are normal, I cannot bear it.
Possible. But in general, my ears are very senstive as well so most of the things which are normal, I cannot bear it.
Yeah but didn't you say you prefer a more open style of earphone?

Buds live are it. Provided you don't have small ears. You prefer the small tip of iems or possibly medium in which case you're borderline. May or may not work. I've seen a few reviews saying they were uncomfortable until I realised it was their smaller ear size that was the reason. I took a gamble on the buds live and I'm glad I did.

How would you manage with the earlier open stlye AirPods?