FS: Others Amd fx 8320e motherboard and RAM combo for sale


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Expected Price (Rs)
Shipping from
Kota, Rajasthan
Item Condition
4 out of 5
Payment Options
  1. Bank Transfer
Purchase Date
Jun 15, 2023
Shipping Charges
Excluded - at actuals
Have you provided two pics?
  1. Yes
Remaining Warranty Period
No warranty remaining
Invoice Available?
Reason for Sale
Not required.
  • Product Name: amd fx 8320e and asus m5a78L-MLX V2 and 2x 4GB Ant esports ddr3 1600 RAM
  • Expected Price: Rs 4000
  • Description if any: Bought this last year from a friend and used it to play many many games and this thing did put out great performance, but since I've got to start my trainings and dont have much time to play or use it, so i thought it would be better if someone else uses it.
  • Reason for Sale: not needed.
  • Product condition: 8 out of 10
  • Purchase Date: 15 june 2023
  • Remaining Warranty period: not available
  • Warranty available in: No warranty
  • Invoice Available: No
  • Enter these basic information about yourself
    • Shipping from: Kota Rajasthan
    • Shipping to: All over India
    • Payment options: bank transfer.
Take the motherboard and the cpu combo for 3k plus shipping, just need to sell it.


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