GPU repair- worth it? Contacts?

So I have a Zotac GTX 1070 mini, almost 6 years old, that started artifacting a couple of weeks back when I started up my computer after being powered off for a couple of days. For the first couple of days artifacting came on and off, was able to play games but sometimes crashed and got an error saying device was removed, in the middle of a game.

Current status: Starts artifacting on windows startup, works fine in safe mode ( 800x600 resolution or something). It's not a driver issue (tried rolling back). Windows startsup with artifacting (starts just before logon screen) and continues artifacting, display turns off sometimes, and then turns back on appearing like its in safe mode (no artifacting) (maybe windows disabled the device?), this behaviour also occurs when I try to change the resolution during the artifacting, it gets locked on to 800x600 no matter what resolution I choose, and resolution changing/scaling etc will be greyed out.

Tried linux- no artifacting, works fine at full resolution, but can't play (newer)games on default driver (Nouveau) (minecraft at 30-60 fps), and it starts artifacting the moment I install the proprietary Nvidia drivers.

Tried reseating the card, changed cables, monitor, tried with each ram module ,changing to the lower speccd pcie ports. Only thing left to do is change motherbaord (had replaced previous one due to humidity issues, and current one also had issues last year during monsoon- had to use hairdryer to get it to boot)

After some searching found out about MATS/MODS which is a diagnostic tool for nVidia cards, ran it and found out two of the memory banks are giving errors. On searching online, found that the fault could be the VRAM modules, or the memory controller, or the Core, or pcie port or anywhere in the PCB. Most common solution was reflowing/ replacing the faulty VRAM modules,and if not fixed, reflow/replace the core.

Contacted local PC repair shop I had good experience with and he said, probably the core needs reflowing but he can't guarantee it will fix the issue and that it might also get bricked while reflowing and advised me replacing would be better if card is 5+ year old.

I feel that he might not have much experience repairing GPUs, does anyone else have any contacts of GPU repair centre in Trivandrum/Kerala? Or anywhere I can ship to outside of kerala (TN or KA) who are reliable? Currently a bit tight on cash, hence trying the repair route first.