WTB 2x5.25" bay to 3x3.5" hdd bay. ideally hotswap

Won't get it here, need to import it from China. Better to just use this:

Seller is risky though.
Yea, I had seen this and am keeping it as a last resort. It's not urgent. I added a drive to my unraid server very recently and still have a free 3.5" slot. Should be a bunch of months before I need the 5.25 to 3.5.
And yea, you are right. I can't find this anywhere in india. It's so weird that not a single company makes them here. There are so many on Amazon US. I even emailed Silverstone about it and they said that its not an India release product. They would send it but I would need to place a minimum order of a 1000 units.
Ask somebody in your friend/family/social circle coming from abroad to bring it with them or just order it from aliexpress/ebay with info provided here:

Oh damn that's cool. I didn't know importing from China was even possible.

Ask somebody in your friend/family/social circle coming from abroad to bring it with them
Yea I'll find out if someone I know is coming. Otherwise the Alibaba option seems doable.
If I get lucky someone here has one and wants to sell it for a reasonable price.
Yea, I had seen this and am keeping it as a last resort. It's not urgent. I added a drive to my unraid server very recently and still have a free 3.5" slot. Should be a bunch of months before I need the 5.25 to 3.5.
And yea, you are right. I can't find this anywhere in india. It's so weird that not a single company makes them here. There are so many on Amazon US. I even emailed Silverstone about it and they said that its not an India release product. They would send it but I would need to place a minimum order of a 1000 units.
I have couple of those (Those linked by @guest_999 ) (maybe 3?) lying around somewhere in storage. If you need, dm me. 400/piece!