Linksys LN1301 - Group Buy from US

Irfan (Ibhejo‘s customer support guy) told me that woot is not on their approved websites to order from.I pushed him to get approval on this and that I shared their product link on tech forums and I know there are other orders as well. Why are you saying no to multiple orders. I have been chasing him on this. He said earlier today that we will order but delivery will likely happen in the latter half of Oct. I said ok.
Thanks for pushing them on this. I had placed the order earlier and today they came back saying the same thing. The item is expected to arrive mid of Oct to their US warehouse and it will take another 10-12 days to arrive at the customer address. I have asked them to go ahead.
But to place orders the link needs to be active, many folks like @kuduku are waiting to place orders. If they agree to order from Woot, and ibhejo link becomes active, they will get mutliple orders .
I suppose they are considering who placed orders earlier when the link is active. They are reaching out to them individually. You can ask them if they are willing to take more orders and enable the link to place the same.
Thanks for pushing them on this. I had placed the order earlier and today they came back saying the same thing. The item is expected to arrive mid of Oct to their US warehouse and it will take another 10-12 days to arrive at the customer address. I have asked them to go ahead.

I suppose they are considering who placed orders earlier when the link is active. They are reaching out to them individually. You can ask them if they are willing to take more orders and enable the link to place the same.
@kuduku Did reach out to them asking them to start taking new orders and order from Woot but they refused stating they will not order from woot. but @m0h1t post indicates he is pushing them to order from there and deliver . So if that happens, then fresh orders can be placed again.