Recommend some good board games


Staff member
Suggest some good board games that are fun playing with family and kids besides Ludo and Snakes and Ladder.

So my absolute favorite was Business (monopoly) India edition with good quality plastic coins intead of paper currency. I can't seem to find a good quality Business game now. Others that I have grown up playing are Scotland Yard and Battleship.

Any other recommendations.
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Exploding Kittens
And if you have a good willing players nothing beats a good D&D campaign. You can create a narrative of the game and its hours or even days of fun. I was in a discord which did regular D&D campaigns.

And my biggest guilty pleasure which is a pure money sinkhole is Warhammer 40k. Have 2 armies one Thousand Sons and one Salamanders.
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The Settlers of Catan. It's similar to monopoly except it needs more strategy and is barter. This was the OG that got me into board games. If you're okay with card games, SET could be good for pattern recognition, and improving attention to details for the kids. And for a family 4, Codenames which is played with teams of two, is one of the mindless fun games.
The Game of Life? It's great to play with friends/family (my personal experience, played a crap ton as a kid).

Also, D&D(!), but you need a focused group for it.
Scrabble, Chess, Carrom
Love to play Carrom once a while but it becomes addictive/competitive pretty soon and then everyone is left wondering where all the time went.
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From last 2-3 months our office became chess club. Collegues gather after lunch or tea break at scrum/white board and play for 20-30 mins. This become such as trend even TT players join them.
In our houses we've Ludo, business (monopoly?), carrom.
We had one game which is similar to Japanese GO/checkers game.


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My nieces and nephews loved to play Go on my board which i bought from USA when ebay india was big. You can make your own go board using a chart paper and cut circular pieces of paper for the stones. No need to play advanced go. Just play simple and everyone has fun on it.
I bought my board from this company (not sure now) but they have a tutorial on how to play the game.
From last 2-3 months our office became chess club. Collegues gather after lunch or tea break at scrum/white board and play for 20-30 mins. This become such as trend even TT players join them.
In our houses we've Ludo, business (monopoly?), carrom.
We had one game which is similar to Japanese GO/checkers game.
As kids, We played as brain Vita