Search results

  1. S

    CPU/Mobo config for graphics work

    Is it for Photoshop or for 3Dwork? IMHO, a medium level pro card (Esp last gen) imported from the US would be better than the best Gaming cards in India. You can scout around for good deals on last Gen pro cards (Fire/quadro). The drivers and BIOS of these cards are optimized for 3D rendering. I...
  2. S

    Graphic Cards 8800 gt

    Prime ABGB site? Where is the site? Since this performs better than the 8800 GTS has the cost of those cards reduced? What is the current cost of the 8800 GTS in India on an average?
  3. S

    Buying a PS2?

    I'm stuck at Pune for two more days. After that back to Bangalore :) Will probably delay the purchase as I'm also budgeting for a entry/mid gaming PC. Only part acquired so far is a Graphics card, so plenty of room for .... erm budgeting?
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    how to run LINUX on XP

    +1 for VPC 2007 (Free and Easy to use) Vmware workstation when bought certainly gives you more options. And VPC couldn't have been developed at Bangalore as Microsoft does not have to my knowledge any development facilities at Bangalore. You mean Hyderabad?
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    Buying a PS2?

    Thank you :)
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    Buying a PS2?

    Hey folks, does anyone know a goodplace to buy a softcracked version of the PS2 at Bangalore? I have a backlog of games that I'd like to finish :) Has anybody had a good experience with buying from Sony direct. They have been a pain so far (inadequate knowledge) and they never have the parts...
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    Leopard hacked for Intel PC consumption; Install Leopard on your PC in 3 easy steps!

    Has anybody managed to install this on VMWARE?
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    PS3 is the best buy for Christmas

    Strike That. The cost of PS2 should be cut even more. Its like 5 years old. Then again I'm just being very cheap :)
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    PS3 is the best buy for Christmas

    Why not just buy a PS2 and play the cheap PS2 games :P For someone who doesn't have any of the PCs that might be the better option. God of War/2 at 500 :D would be nice.
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    Which Console 2 buy

    +1 for x360. Get a PS2 for cheap and play all the decent games and play on the 360 for current generation. The list of games that the 360 is going to release this holiday season is huge.
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    CPU/Mobo Biostar Nvidia 7150/7100 Mobo for INTEL

    Grrr now you've done it. After two weeks of parlaying, I decided on the Biostar TP35D2-A7 and nowyou have confused me :( On the other hand I don't think I need onboard graphics as I will be using a 7900 GTX. Hmmm.
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    Valve Orange Box only for Rs. 999!

    Why not just order from nextworld?
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    CPU/Mobo Am I missing something?

    Check if the fuse is intact?
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    CPU/Mobo Got my PC today..

    So here are some rates that metro quoted for the parts I needed. 1.8 GHZ E2160 / 800 /1 MB 3100 Biostar TP35D2-A7 4500 Transcend Value RAM 800 2x1 GB 2700 Samsung 19'' With DVI 9450 320 Gb generic harddisk 3350 Microsoft Wireless Desktop 1500 I forgot to verify whether these are with or...
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    CPU/Mobo Is 4x1 and 2x2 the same?

    Hmm what is your location? UK? or are you sourcing it from there? I'm confused cos your Location reads Chennai :|
  16. S

    CPU/Mobo Successor to P5B dlx...Advise on a Mobo???

    Actually ABIT used to be a more over clocker friendly manufacturer than ASUS or just about any other mainstream company. They have fallen on slight times, but looks like they are back esp with the P35 series and on. So I wouldn't have any hesitiation going for them esp at the budgets you have.
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    CPU/Mobo Got my PC today..

    Well a couple of hundred bucks shall be appropriately paid to the Mallaya temple after the PC purchase then :P
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    CPU/Mobo Got my PC today..

    Checkout the first post in the thread :) "Transcend 1GB DDR2 800----1300" The rate for the biostar I found on another board. I have not verified any of these rates yet and hope to do so this weekend.
  19. S

    CPU/Mobo Got my PC today..

    Here is what I'm going to go for :- Part Choice Price CPU 1.8 GHZ E2160 / 800 /1 MB 3270 Motherboard Biostar TP35D2-A7 5000 Memory Transcend Value RAM 800 2 GB 2600 Graphics eVGA 7900 GTX 7500 Display Samsung 19'' 920BW 10450 Hard Disk 320 Gb generic 3700 Input Microsoft...
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    CPU/Mobo Got my PC today..

    Do we have a thread that talks about Bangalore shops, contact details and product availability? If not should we start one? the lamington road and nehru place threads are still around after all.