totally agreed. Also, tangent but with lot of CCs, there are exclusions in rewards/cashback such as utility or govt payments or travel MCC or something like that. And you have no way to know what MCC you are swiping at.
prime video has like 2-3 shows worth watching. I have prime just for the delivery, because I order a lot. Honestly, I don't see why anyone would buy just prime video, when you can get access to those shows in far better quality illegally.
Quite honestly, a click is a click and will make _some_ sound. If you play games, edit videos and code, maybe you can narrow down your choices based on how heavy you want your mouse and how much you want to spend? apart from that it's hard to suggest stuff. I have used a g502 wireless and it...
It's holiday season, and I am looking to gift someone a tower. :)
Not looking to spend more than 50K.
In case anyone's selling, please do feel free to tag me. I've been going over the threads on here lately and have been DMing a few folks.
I loved math back then too. It's only until I got into engineering math and partial derivatives was when I started questioning my sanity/love for the subject :p
Looks like this company is run by some man-child with a pp the size of a rats brain. This is why I avoid going into business with lesser known companies and stick to the reputed ones online.
Also, one should not share their adhar ID, only masked adhaar.
I left reddit entirely, except the times I need to use it as a resource to look up stuff. My issues with reddit were many, not just the god awful removal of 3p apps.
- mods would ban you randomly
- it was kinda obvious that many subs had a bias - and if you dont agree you are "fascist"
OT: I think that FK axis CC cashback is linked to the account you got it from? If I share my FK axis CC in someone else's flipkart account to get CB, I don't think I will get it. Never tried it, but on amazon it is like that.
> is it safe?
Yes, for common apps it should be fine but do you really _need_ an update to ola? from that store?
it's like any other third party store, devs choose to list their apps on that platform.
> why this happens?
Google pushes delta updates, and devs can control what % of devices...