Search results

  1. M

    Video 32 inch full hd LCD

    i am looking to buy a full hd 32inch LCD tv.. i have shortlisted 32c530 from samsung and 32ex400 from sony.. i would like to know hw good these are.. my budget is around 35k to 40k max.. primarly tv will be paired with a set top box.. i have plans to buy ps3 later...
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    Laptops Compaq CQ40-425 TU

    Hi... I am looking for a laptop with very basic config for less than 30k. currently selected Compaq CQ40-425 TU which has a T4200 processor. I am planning for a dual boot with vista and linux.. Will it be a good buy...Please suggest...
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    Cannon sx10is suggestion reqd

    Hi i m planning to buy cannon sx10is..i would like to get opinion on the performance of this camera. Please suggest where can i buy it in bangalore at the cheapest rate. Suggestions are welcome on other ultra zoom model cameras.. my intention was initially to go with a SLR camera but that...
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    PC Peripherals Printer problem

    I am using hp1360 printer, it is showing offline when i connect it to pc....:huh: hw can i solve this issue....please help the color cartridge is empty is this the problem..will it not work with a single black cartridge
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    XP Themes

    from which site can i get some stylish free xp themes......:S
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    PC Peripherals 22 inch TFT with HDMI

    Hi guys, I am looking for a 22 inch TFT monitor with HDMI input:) Please suggest some options... thanks in advance
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    Laptops Suggestions for moderate gaming laptop...

    Hi guys, My friend is planning to purchase a new laptop from India. Budget : 40 K Uses:- Moderate gaming: want to play old games (2006 and before) with medium - high settings and newer games with playable fps and lower settings. Prefer third person games but would like to try some first person...
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    CPU/Mobo P5n E sli and P5n 32 E sli ...which to go for ....??

    Hi guys:clap: , looking for a mobo for q6600 the mobos tht a have shortlisted are asus P5n E sli and P5n 32 E sli (any other suggestions???):) is it worth spending 6K more for 32 e sli as the pecs are almost similar....... Budget is 8-10K .....but will try to stretch to 12.5 K if the other...
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    Laptops laptop for 50K

    am looking for buying a laptop. Plz suggest a laptop for 50K.......