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  1. C

    Linux linux minor project

    hey can ny bdy help me by suggestin ny linux project not including coding. plz if ny bdy can !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
  2. C

    Linux Stop saying that the linux desktop looks bad!!!

    hello hey man i m new 2 dis place .............. u look 2 b quit a bliever of linux can u help me few things ........ i m using RHEL5 linux n doin rhce.......... i wud like 2 make a project on linux ......... can u or nybdy help me have a simple project without using codin as i dont knw 2 much...
  3. C

    hi evrybdy

    hi evrybdy i m chinmay pareek doin my engg. last yr frm jpr in e&c..... i love travelin n watching t.v n many more things......... i m new here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)