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  1. F

    how to retrive lost emails?

    hi got some serious stuff here and would like to know which program is THE best to retrive lost emails! please anwser only those who have some experience with this, i know programs for this are easy found by google! Like said i need to get back emails on certain pc that were deleted and...
  2. F

    Monitors Monitor has no signal after CMOS battery change

    k, guys i got signal to monitor back. Well it was like this, i left pc pluged in for whole night (withouth ram in tho). In the morning i left it run withouth ram in and than again with ram in and i just got picture, or signal to monitor. K, i can work it from here on ;) atleast i know what i m...
  3. F

    Monitors Monitor has no signal after CMOS battery change

    its not solved, i still get no monitor signal, also changed the jumpers with battery out and than i put it back in and started pc, this time hard drive was active for like 5 seconds, but lights on keyboard didnt light on. I have jumpers now back as it was, on normal-factory settings.
  4. F

    Monitors Monitor has no signal after CMOS battery change

    well i have 2 options with jumpers, first one is NORMAL-factory settings that is set right now, and the 2nd one is named BOOT BLOCK - recovery. Bios is reseted though by taking out the battery which is why i have these problems now.
  5. F

    Monitors Monitor has no signal after CMOS battery change

    hi i have the same problem here. I reseted bios by taking out battery for 15 minutes and now i get no signal to monitor. There is only onboard graphic card tho. I opened the box, took out ram and put it back again,tryed with only one memory and than the other one, also did the same thing with...