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  1. Z

    Post Sites open for signup Thread

    ^^ because registrations are closed again. :(
  2. Z

    Best Torrent Sites?

    kudos to all you guys... you've been really helpful :) I usually use these free torrent sites... never had a chance to check a private tracker since i don't have account/invitation for those..... oh well... maybe i'll have someday :)
  3. Z

    Best Torrent Sites?

    Thanks a lot axeman... this is really very useful. most appreciated.
  4. Z

    Best Torrent Sites?

    totally agree has got a lot of stuff.... but usually their speed sucks. :(
  5. Z

    Best Torrent Sites?

    i Already knew I asked a noob question axeman :( but hey.... worth a try :D
  6. Z

    Best Torrent Sites?

    Hi guys.. sorry if this has been asked already. I just wanted to know which torrents sites are best (and maybe you can tell why)?. what if i ask you to name 3 or 5 of your top favorite sites? :huh: Thanks in advance.
  7. Z

    IPT Invites gone

    I had 7 invites and now i have only 1 left :( ... I'm a power user
  8. Z

    Hi All

    found this site through google... liked and quickly became a member. Just saying hi to members and will try to be an active member. :)