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  1. S

    Understanding "Trading" and what it means in the Private Bit-torrent World

    dude I dont know how many time I have to repeat my self saying that trackers are looking for only good members and dont want members who are just going to be scumbags and are collectors. For people who have genuine interest in a tracker and are good members are welcomed everywhere and for them...
  2. S

    Understanding "Trading" and what it means in the Private Bit-torrent World

    server costs is one of the main reason.Bigger the tracker,more money it needs to run the tracker.thats why trackers prefer low members with quality.Trackers are run entirely on donations. wow what a cool senseless response.For the last time,if you are not able to comprehend what I am typing...
  3. S

    Understanding "Trading" and what it means in the Private Bit-torrent World

    omg,after i explained to you all about slots being unused an all,you are still asking the same question. those are the reasons what tracker FROWN upon. Do you have any idea that there are trackers who maintain strict policies,and are alive since they started out since 2004?
  4. S

    Understanding "Trading" and what it means in the Private Bit-torrent World

    I guess you need to read the comments before repeating myself again and again. Dude ratio cheating is not the only problem trackers are facing.People who sell Invites for profit,people who trade Invites and get into trackers and not using the tracker at all when a better person would have...
  5. S

    Understanding "Trading" and what it means in the Private Bit-torrent World

    Dude do you know how the trading process actually takes place? OK for lemme explain it to you then,since you dont have the slightest clue about it two users meet at some of the weirdest places in net,or via msn,or via some irc and trade their accounts and invites etc ... Some sell invites in...
  6. S

    Understanding "Trading" and what it means in the Private Bit-torrent World

    err... I think we are talking about trading here.SO are you telling for each time a person trades in his profile he gets a warning? hmmm interesting point ... ... ... I dint say no body cant I said,it is heavy work tracking and keeping every members info. As long as you dont understand that...
  7. S

    Understanding "Trading" and what it means in the Private Bit-torrent World

    Yea I meant it in 3rd person perspective What kinda automated system are you talking about? every automated has its limitations and automated system are used in trackers only to detect ratio cheating. How can a trader be automatically be caught? Cant be done How can an Invite seller be...
  8. S

    Understanding "Trading" and what it means in the Private Bit-torrent World

    Private trackers are not the everyday unlimited number of members area like Demonoid.Many private trackers maintain low user base.When never ending flow of cheaters always keep on coming its the slot of many other worthy users they are taking.and its not as easy as you think,just clicking and...
  9. S

    Understanding "Trading" and what it means in the Private Bit-torrent World

    1000 times a tracker can forgive people from a specific country (or incase BSNL from India,because many people use BSNL and hence the majority of users) cheating,trading etc and hence ban individuals but if it is a never ending flow of cheaters then ? They ban the whole country or ISP EDIT...
  10. S

    Understanding "Trading" and what it means in the Private Bit-torrent World

    Romania is being gloabally banned now in almost all trackers.If you continue trading its sad to say that new members are going to suffer because for you guys,it dosent matter because we have friends who trust us.But people who just got into p2p are going to suffer.
  11. S

    Understanding "Trading" and what it means in the Private Bit-torrent World

    Hai guys,I am a new member in TE and I joined here because I saw many from here joining trackers by the means of Trading.Trading is frowned upon in Bit-torrent world for many reasons(which I have stated later).As you all know in many trackers there are Country Bans and already India is banned in...