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  1. G

    Price updates from Chenoy Trade Centre, Parklane (Hyderabad)

    is there any UPS, which we can connect to PC and configure windows xp so that the pc shuts down whenever the power goes off and the battery level is low ? what is the cost in CTC ?
  2. G

    Access server connected to a PC in LAN

    We have a computer, COMP1 (Win XP with SP2) on LAN. COMP1 has two ethernet cards and one of them is connected to LAN(IP To this COMP1, we connected a Linux server through COMP1's second ethernet card. The second IP of COMP1 is Linux Server is configured with IP...
  3. G

    Changing the beep sound of alert message

    hi, I have a java application which sends alerts to the users connected over LAN. I am using net send command. the recepient gets the message with a beep sound. I have changed the default beep sound to my custom made .wav file (Female voice saying 'You have a new message'). The problem is...