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  1. Acchu

    PC Peripherals Hyper 212x/Nzxt P240

    To clarify it's just the top pins which are touching not the bottom ones and its like one of the top pin which is touching the cabinet
  2. Acchu

    PC Peripherals Hyper 212x/Nzxt P240

    Unfortunately i don't know if its resting or actually pushing it down. Can i be given an example?
  3. Acchu

    PC Peripherals Hyper 212x/Nzxt P240

    Well i have already bought it and opened my 212x and i cant really swap it i just wanted to know is will i have any issues if i use my cpu cooler as it is touching the cabinet. Its like touching it as given in the pictures
  4. Acchu

    PC Peripherals Hyper 212x/Nzxt P240

    Um sorry i just skipped the introduction part and i am getting to directly to my problem as i am desperate. No offense meant. I got a cooler master hyper 212x. My cabinet is nzxt p240. When i bought it i admit it is partially my fault i did not research much into it. I just used pc part picker...