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    Personal data privacy concern - selling cellphone

    Main thread link >> So let me clear up the Air. I was contacted by the OP regarding the zenfone which is smoothly purchased from me. Deal with fine and OP received the phone on Satruday evening, where he told me he was not...
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    Bent CPU Socket Pins

    HI all, I recently found out that my motherboard has some bent CPU socket pin on it. The CPU is not being detected, but the motherboard lights do turn on. Is there any way to fix it and does any have experience in doing so? The motherboard is out of warranty and EoL, so there's no point in...
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    WTB Google Pixel 4a

    Want to buy a pixel 4a or 4a XL for relatively inexpensive price. Shoot me your offers!
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    Other Moving to iOS for the first time from Samsung and android - Any advice?

    So, as the title suggests, I'll be moving to the Apple Ecosystem with the new iPhone 12. However, there is a caveat to it - I used to have a Samsung s8 and it died on me recently, the important data was backed up on samsung cloud but there's no local copy. Further, I'm temporarily using an old...
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    WTB Samsung Galaxy S10 (Snapdragon version preferred)

    Looking to buy Samsung Galaxy S10/10+ or probably even Note 10+. DM me your offers.
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    WTB Processor and Motherboard

    Looking to buy a processor and motherboard for around 15-20k. Might be a bit more flexible if the components are worth more. No preference really, but inclining towards Ryzen 3000 and Intel 9th gen stuffs.
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    WTB Samsung Galaxy Buds+

    Looking to buy Samsung Galaxy Buds+ Budget of max 9k.
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    WTB X99 Motherboard

    Looking to buy a X99 motherboard as my old one went kaput. Budget depends upon the model ofcourse. MSI and Asrock preferred, but can make do with any motherboard.