
  1. napstersquest

    FS: Desktops i5 2500K + MSI P67A-GD65 + Crucial Ballistix 8GB 1600MHz + Hyper 410R @9K+ship

    Core i5 2500K 4C 4T - ₹3000 Crucial Ballistix Tactical 1600MHz DDR3 1x8GB - ₹2000 MSI P67A-GD65 (No I/O Shield) - ₹3200 SOLD outside forum Cooler Master Hyper 410R (Only Intel mount) - ₹1000 Only these items. No driver CDs/boxes/manuals/SATA Cables or any other accessories that might be included...
  2. K

    FS: Processor CPU, PSU , RAM & GPU

    PSU (Corsair Tx650) - 2500 GPU (Zotac GTX 970)- 7000 RAM (2x 4GB DDR3 Gskill 1600 MHZ) - 1500 For Both CPU (i5 2500k) - 2000 No shipping. Only Delhi Buyers preferred. Out of warranty. Bought in 2011.
  3. zibalingz

    FS: Desktops Intel i5-2500K processor for sale - Price Dropped

    2500K Processor - https://ark.intel.com/content/www/us/en/ark/products/52210/intel-core-i5-2500k-processor-6m-cache-up-to-3-70-ghz.html Expected Price - 3.5k excluding shipping Note - Ignore the left over thermal paste on the side and slight discoloration, it was due to improper fitting of...